Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-17-2023
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 10-17-2023
10-17-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY: News saying within 2 months the dollar exchange rate will stabilize. FRANK26: Remember they’re talking about November and December to get it done by January 1st. That’s the time period I believe we’re going to see a change because that’s what they tell the Iraqi citizens…In order to stabilize the dollar exchange rate you’re going to increase the value of the Iraqi dinar.
10-17-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Comment: In my opinion Iraq will officially join BRICS by Jan 1st. MarkZ: I agree with you…I think its coming sooner than later. Article: “Iraq ready to join BRICS after banning cash withdrawals in US dollars” This is dated Oct 13th.
10-16-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy There’s no numbers on the back screen, there’s no 1-800 number, you don’t have to do a so-called humanity project. Don’t get me wrong I encourage people to do humanity projects if you come out of this with a ton of money. You should give back and I mean that with all my heart but it’s not a requirement in order for you to get this money. You don’t have to call no 800 numbers, there’s no redemption centers, there’s no numbers on the back screen. All that is freaking bull shit…
10-16-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Al-Sudani said he’s keen on BRICS for all you BRICS lovers but obviously he’s not going into BRICS at 1310…
10-16-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] I can confirm that a number of banks are ready…even non redeeming ones. They are seeing lots of rates and rate changes with holds on them. They have been prepped and a number of bank presidents…even on smaller banks…have commented they know it’s coming. They are telling them they have to wait until they get the “go ahead”…A certain regional bank president told me that they expect to be able to exchange within this week…I am hopeful this is accurate…The rest of my banking contacts say they are “on notice” and feel it could happen at any time…any hour…or any minute. And they are prepared for this.
10-16-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Question: “Does this [Auctions changing/no USD withdrawals in January] mean it will revalue after the 1st of the year?” First of all it’s not a revalue…I have said it over a billion times this is an RI, reinstatement …So what if you have to wait until January? What is the problem?
10-16-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I think it’s important for Iraq to transition to Article VIII because with the help of such a large company [JP Morgan] I don’t think Iraq will continue to drag their feet. I think they will make those changes when the conditions are met and JP Morgan will be right there with them.
10-16-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “35 million lost every day: Shutdown of Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline has hurt stat and oil companies” In total Iraq lost $7 billion USD. Turkey has officially notified Iraq the oil pipeline is ready to be reopened…
10-16-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Question: “Please explain what you mean by dirty float.” There are different monetary policies that people could put into place to control their exchange rates. A dirty float is a free float with the government’s ability to intervene at any time.
10-16-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Sudanese Advisor: 70% of Iraq’s imports are made with BRICS countries” Quote: “Iraq announced its desire to join the BRICS group, as there is an objective basis related to the connections of the Iraqi economy with the markets of the BRICS group itself, as it reflects the current account of the Iraqi balance of payments with the countries of that economic group, which includes the strongest emerging markets in “The world”
10-16-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] There are a lot of interesting articles on de-dollarization coming out of Iraq. “KRG to collect customs fees in dinar exclusively” This is the Kurdish region in northern Iraq. They have fully jumped on board with the de-dollarization effort. Comment: In Iraq –they took all the dollars out of the ATM’s – dinar only. MarkZ: Yes…it’s all part of the de-dollarization…I can tell you from my sources they agree…and Kuwait did the same thing before they RV’d. Back then all fees and transaction had to also be paid in Kuwaiti dinar. To me this tells us we are circling around the drain on finishing this thing.
10-16-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “…Representative have agreed on the importance of passing this law [HCL] because it guarantees the fair distribution of wealth to all Iraqis…” That’s everybody in parliament, that’s everybody, so I think there isn’t going to be anybody that would miss that vote… So why haven’t they done it? They have to value that. That’s what we’re waiting for to see if they have a new valuation for that based off the new international exchange rate…
10-16-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Erbil: Withdrawing the dollar via ATM machines stopped by a decision of the Central Bank” [Boots on the ground update] SUPERGIRL’S REPORT [From last week] Quote “We are committed to the Central Bank’s decision issued 3 months ago, which prevents banks from granting dollars via ATM machines, and we have observed a commitment from other banks.”
10-16-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article quote: “We hope that the Central Bank will remain steadfast and independent, stand against pressure and rumors, and continue to implement international standards and prudent measures that will improve and stabilize Iraq’s economy and exchange rate.” Al-Najjar also pointed out…the presence of major corruption within a group of banks and banking companies, which led to smuggle dollars. …there are elements that do not want the currency reform to be completed since the goose with the golden eggs will end. I assure you it will end and end soon! This corruption will not continue…I know much more of what is going on behind the scenes that I am not telling you and can’t tell you. I know this reinstatement process has to continue to the end and is going to move quickly…