Iran encourages the Kurdistan region to export oil through its territory to sabotage the Iraqi economy
Economist: Iran encourages the Kurdistan region to export oil through its territory to sabotage the Iraqi economy
20-03-2013 08:29 AM
Baghdad (news) .. Called economic expert عبدالحسن Shammari, the federal government to take a position on neighboring Iran being encouraged Kurdistan region to export oil through ports in order to target the Iraqi economy and destroy it. Al-Shammari said (of the Agency news): There are large numbers of cars pelvic tanker of crude oil goes daily from Kurdistan Iran to up to Iranian ports for the purpose of export of oil, without the knowledge of the federal government. added: that Iran and Turkey are working to destroy the national economy based entirely on oil by encouraging them to Kurdistan Regional Government not to export its oil through the pipeline Iraqi, but through its territory. continued: must the federal government to take the position of a genuine and frank in front of behaviors that work by Iran towards Iraq, because oil exports without tube national means a waste of public money, especially since it is sold at prices discounted compared to what it conveys Abralanbob. / end / 8. n. p /