Investigations of the Central Bank ousted its president Shabibi

Investigations of the Central Bank ousted its president Shabibi

The time on Wednesday, October 10  2012 09:18

Baghdad / Orr News

I learned Agency (UR) of political source familiar with the continuing investigation file currency auction sale in the Iraqi Central Bank, and sources confirmed that the results of the investigation will lead within days to withdraw by Central Bank Governor Sinan al-Shabibi of Directors of the bank.

The source said that “the coming days will witness a parliamentary decision to withdraw by the province of the Central Bank of Iraq Sinan Shabibi and some officials in the bank against the backdrop of significant financial suspicions of corruption as well as money laundering and will be brought to justice.”

The House of Representatives form a parliamentary committee to investigate ERA selling currency in the Iraqi Central Bank and the Commission concluded that writing a report marking significant violations included in the sale file currency and money laundering and Mhoppeh transactions to people from within the bank.

The spin great suspicions about the work of the central bank which had previously confirmed that the Finance Committee in the House of Representatives and there are many financial irregularities in the bank, in addition to the existence of financial and administrative corruption is unprecedented.
