Halabousi agrees to a parliamentary request to host the Implementation Committee Article 140
Halabousi agrees to a parliamentary request to host the Implementation Committee Article 140
2018/12/23 17:16
Baghdad today – Diyala
The House of Representatives Speaker Mohamed Halboussi on Sunday approved a parliamentary request to host the committee to implement article 140 of the constitution in the parliament to “discuss the reasons for not completing the work that was formed for it and the file of compensation of deportees.”
“The deportees from Khanaqin after 2003 of more than 3,000 people have not been paid compensation, despite the completion of the fundamentalist measures since 2012,” MP Mudar Maan al-Karawi said in a request document presented to Halabousi. Their names to the commission to compensate. ”
The document showed the approval of the Speaker of the House of Representatives to “host the Implementation Committee Article (140) of the Constitution to discuss the reasons for non-completion of the work that was formed for it, including the file of compensation of deportees.”