Government: No new agreement on the demarcation of the border with Kuwait

Government: No new agreement on the demarcation of the border with Kuwait

The time on Thursday, 14 March / March 2013 07:30

Baghdad / Orr News

Legal Counsel confirmed to Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and the absence of any new agreement between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti government on the demarcation of the border between the two countries, pointing out that what is happening now is the application of UN Security Council resolution No. 833 for the year 1994 is binding on Iraq.

Said Fadel Mohammed Jawad said, “Any new agreement does not exist between the Iraqi and Kuwaiti government on the demarcation of the border, and what is happening now is the maintenance of border pillars and which fall within the application of UN Security Council Resolution No. 833 binding to Iraq.”

He added that “the UN Security Council resolution No. 833 is an unjust decision is taken from land and water wells in Iraq and awarded to Kuwait, but the Iraqi government does not have any choice but to apply UN Security Council resolution.” He continued that “the Iraqi government is seeking to emerge from Chapter VII of the UN Secretary-General reiterated its encouragement to the United Iraq provided fulfill its obligations to the UN Security Council resolution.”

He pointed adviser to Prime Minister legal that “neither the government nor the people with this decision, but the government is obliged applied, and legal experts are well aware of what the resulting state that does not apply UN Security Council resolutions,” noting that “no alternative is available in front of the Iraqi government and going to court International is inaccurate because they are not competent in this matter. ”

The Directorate of Safwan criticized hand, on February 28 last, the work of the Commission maintenance of border pillars between Iraq and Kuwait, which included Iraqi and Kuwaiti officials.

And criticized by some political blocs and the local administration in the province of Basra demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait, while some politicians demanded to convene an emergency session of the House of Representatives to discuss the issue.