Former deputy warns of withholding the announcement of the auction sale of hard currency at the Central Bank
To ensure the transparency of its work .. Former deputy warns of withholding the announcement of the auction sale of hard currency at the Central Bank
Date: 11/03/2012 08:44:35 Saturday
Baghdad (news) .. Warned former Rep. Hadi al-Hassani, of making the work of central bank auction for the sale of hard currency is a public front companies and the public because it will lead to financial corruption and affect transparency.
said Hassani (of the Agency news): Can not the central bank may resort to withhold the announcement of the sale hard currency in the auction for it will affect the transparency and integrity of the central bank, adding in saying can take temporarily to keep the dinar exchange rate and then because selling public. praised MP Hassani: monetary policy pursued by the central bank and described Balrsana because it helped to semi-stable exchange rate dinar against the dollar after saw a big drop in front of the international currency difficult, likely that saw dinar significant improvement in price against the dollar in the coming period. was the Iraqi Central Bank may withhold the announcement of the auction during the last two days without knowing the reasons, where he will hold an auction bank five sessions week from Sunday to Thursday of each week. cabinet decided earlier assigned Chairman of the Board of Supreme Audit Abdul Basit Turki Department of the Central Bank of Iraq to succeed former Governor Sinan al-Shabibi. / end / 8. n. p /