Electricity reveals its production of energy and holds citizens responsible for the shortage

Electricity reveals its production of energy and holds citizens responsible for the shortage

2019/2/21 8:41

Electricity reveals its production of energy and holds citizens responsible for the shortageBaghdad: The Ministry of Electricity revealed the quantities of energy currently produced from its generating stations across the country, announcing the formation of a joint operations room to end the understandings with Siemens and General Electric to support the sector.
The Ministry of Electricity spokesman Musab al-Mudar said in a press statement that “the production of power from generating plants throughout the country exceeded 13 thousand megawatts, despite the existence of periodic maintenance and rehabilitation of a number of obstetric units in different regions of the country could have been accompanied by the system by two thousand Other MW, noting that the current production volume helps to equip citizens between 20 and 24 hours.
The teacher attributed the reasons for the fluctuation of power processing in some areas to the excesses by the citizens on the transformers and the distribution system as the converters accommodate certain numbers to feed the beneficiary units, but some areas are overreaching, which leads to doubling the pregnancy and then damage, stressing that the staff are from time to time And the other campaigns to lift excesses on the distribution networks. ”
For his part, spokesman for the distribution of Baghdad, Ahmed al-Musawi, that the ministry and within the directives of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers sought to develop strategic plans under which support the infrastructure and production sector, noting that among these Plans for the implementation of memorandums of understanding with two Siemens German and General Electric US, pointing to the existence of joint operations between the Ministry of Electricity and the two companies room to complete the road map.
So energy production company for the Middle Euphrates confirmed that the production plants generating will reach almost 4 thousand megawatts in the next summer season.
A source In the Ministry of Electricity that “the General Company for the production of energy for the Middle Euphrates region will contribute through the production of power plants to supply electricity system by about 4,000 megawatts in the coming summer season, which will contribute to alleviate the burden of the citizens of that region, Of gas in the province of Karbala , which is currently conducting patrol units for both maintenance obstetric ten in preparation for the next summer season card 125 MW per unit. ”
Iraq suffers from frequent power cuts over many years, especially in the summer when temperatures in some areas reach 50 degrees Celsius.
Iraq needs more than 23,000 megawatts of electricity to meet the needs of people and institutions without interruption.
Although the government has spent more than $ 40 billion since 2003 on the electric power sector, it has failed to secure the country’s energy needs because of corruption and failed projects.
“The waste of money in Iraq on electricity because of mismanagement and corruption could have produced 70,000 megawatts, which is equivalent to the production of Iran and Saudi Arabia,” Electricity Minister Louay Khatib said on February 18.
Khatib said that “more than 4 million random consumers of electric power and classified within the overrun on the network.”
