Economist: must amend Article (28) of the Banking Act to promote investment in the banking sector
Economist: must amend Article (28) of the Banking Act to promote investment in the banking sector
Date: 01/14/2013 10:32:43 Monday
Baghdad (news) .. Chief Economist Saif Hilfi, the importance of the amendment of article (28) of the Banking Act public to support investment in the Iraqi banking sector, calling for the need to strengthen relations with Arab banks for the advancement of local banks.
said Hilfi (of the Agency news): The private banks could play a major role in economic development through the establishment of a fund to lend investment projects in the country, that has a high potential and capital helps that. added: that the federal government claim to support the banking sector in terms of amending the laws, especially Article (28) of the Banking Act year for investment direct to the banking sector to allow it to enter the investment sector to contribute to the development of the country’s economy. pointed to: that Arab support is important to the banking sector through the promotion of cooperation between the Iraqi banks and Arab, especially Lebanese opening credits Msstendeh private, because Lebanese banks have a great desire to deal and cooperate with banks Iraqi. / end / 8. n. p /