Dhi Qar, calls for the formation of an oil body until the adoption of the oil and gas law

Dhi Qar, calls for the formation of an oil body until the adoption of the oil and gas law

Dhi Qar – Iraq Press – November 16 2014

Dhi Qar calls for the formation of an oil body until the adoption of the oil and gas lawCalled the governor of Dhi Qar, Yahya Nazarene, on Sunday, to the formation of a national oil body Wealth Management, pending approval of oil and gas law, stressing the importance of building a genuine partnership between the Oil Ministry and local governments relationship to develop oil and extractive industry.
He explained the Nazarene’s / Iraq Press / “The province of Dhi Qar filed paper work to the oil ministry include the constitutional powers of the current requirements for the development work in the oil sector, the fact that the relationship between the provinces and the Ministry of Oil is still unclear and marred by Blur,” as described.
And, that “working paper included a proposal for the establishment of a national management of oil wealth oil body when approving oil and gas law in order to complete the missing link between the ministry and local governments to address the problems and develop solutions jointly on according to the framework of the administrative integration, which was approved by Articles 112 and 115 of the Constitution, which stipulates the participation the exploitation of oil and gas as a national treasure for when approving oil and gas law and the laws that the rest of the exploitation of energy control in Iraq. ”
He called the Nazarene and the oil ministry to “accelerate the establishment of an oil company of Dhi Qar, in collaboration with the conservative administration,” noting, “The conservative administration has provided all requirements declaration Oil Company of Dhi Qar and secure infrastructure and legal conditions required for the establishment of the company and of the production of 100 000 barrels per day.”
And expressed the governor of Dhi Qar surprise of the delay and the Ministry of Oil in the launch of Dhi Qar Oil Company and project big refinery in Nasiriyah, which announced its inclusion within the oil licensing rounds several years ago, but pulled out of a licensing repeats, “pointing out, that” the Dhi Qar is currently producing more than 150 thousand barrels per day and there is no legal reason why the announcement concerning the maintenance of oil company. ” Admiral ended
