Deputy calls for re-determination of the largest bloc and the dismissal of the government
Deputy calls for re-determination of the largest bloc and the dismissal of the government
2018/12/30 12:40 384
Baghdad today – Nineveh
A member of the House of Representatives, on the province of Nineveh, Ahmad Jubouri, Sunday (30 December 2018), identifying the largest bloc within the parliament, and the dismissal of the current government, headed by Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.
Al-Jubouri said in a tweet on Twitter that “for the benefit of Iraq and its people, the largest mass and demand from the President of the Republic should be removed from the government that failed to select and complete its ministers.”
“The new candidate for the largest bloc must be appointed by the government and brought with a strong prime minister and ministers away from the heresy of technocrats,” he said.
“Those who venerate the government should go to the opposition and give it respect.”