Deputy Abadi coalition: Abdul Mahdi in front of two options, one of the resignation or disclosure of these bodies

Deputy Abadi coalition: Abdul Mahdi in front of two options, one of the resignation or disclosure of these bodies

Saturday 1 December 2018 12:07 pm

Deputy Abadi coalition - Abdul Mahdi in front of two options one of the resignation or disclosure of these bodiesBAGHDAD / The MP for the victory coalition, Nada Jawdat, Saturday, that the Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi, in front of two options to the third of them either to reveal the blocks that object to the dismissal of ministers accused or withdraw from the presidency of the government.

“If Abdul – Mahdi faces many objections from the political blocs that prevent him from sacking the accused ministers, he has to reveal the names of the blocs before the public opinion so that everyone is aware of these violations and the truth is clear,” Jawdat told Iraq News.

“If Abdul Mahdi did not succeed in this effort to uncover the blocs and dismiss the ministers accused him to submit his resignation from the prime minister to preserve his political history.”

It is noteworthy that the deputy of the National Bloc Hussein al-Aqabi announced on Thursday that he decided to institute a lawsuit against the prime minister on the subject of covering up ministers who are not qualified and do not enjoy the constitutional and legal conditions.

“Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi has committed many irregularities in the formation of his incomplete government, starting with his lack of commitment to verify the availability of constitutional and legal conditions in the candidates of his ministry and to absolve them of accountability, justice and terrorism charges,” al-Aqabi said in a press conference attended by Iraq News. Financial corruption, and legal rules require him to verify and collect knowledge of the availability of conditions and lack of impediments before the candidate to the parliament to vote.

“He added that” Abdul-Mahdi added another offense more severe than the first, covering the ministers are not worthy of confidence and concealed information after the arrival of the relevant departments, which obliges them to be dismissed immediately without any delay, pointing out that “as a result of these irregularities decided to institute a lawsuit against the Prime Minister on the subject Covering ministers who are not qualified and do not enjoy constitutional and legal conditions