Currency spread fraud in Iraq .. Accusations directed at Tehran and central reassured as minor
Currency spread fraud in Iraq .. Accusations directed at Tehran and central reassured as minor

is almost the heart of Riyadh burns he describes how he set twice before banking offices, which paid about half of the $ Hwalth dollars forged, and how that when he went to receive the transfer other Iraqi currency was falling into the same!. , says the citizen Riyadh Khalifa, 40 years old, which receives from time to time a sum of money from his brother, who live outside Iraq, “Alsumaria News”, “For me, I am a victim of fraud twice,” explains that a banking offices paid him the amount of transfer of $ 500, and later found to be $ 200, including a forged , he said, “With this office declined to banking compensatory amount counterfeiter.” and follow the Khalifa “This was the first time that the fall in which a victim of the promotion of counterfeit currency, and for this I decided to receive the amount transferred from my brother in local currency, and was surprised later that the currency were not free from fraud is, too, “and stresses, stressing,” I still have two papers Mzortin of class 10 thousand dinars. “Karbala Council: can not monitor all banking offices were several governorates, including Karbala, Najaf, Babil, Wasit, and Sulaymaniyah, Baghdad has seen in recent months, adjust the amounts of counterfeit currency, and detained by local authorities in these provinces several gangs specialized rigging and the promotion of counterfeit and fraud on the citizens, as revealed some press reports about the presence of presses specialized rigging the currency in a number of areas of the capital Baghdad, the falsification of currency several, including the Iraqi dinar and the U.S. dollar. and warned financial authorities in Iraq, the owners of banking offices from the exploitation of their offices in the illegal operations such as the promotion of counterfeit currency, or involvement in the operations of money laundering, which reports local and international to it taking place on a large scale in Iraq. In this regard, the Assembly’s Economic Committee Mhafezhkrblane they developed a new mechanism to organize the work of banking offices include the adoption of sanctions against the offices that prove its violation, after growing fears of the creation of this office actively improper financial. and warns the Chairman of the Committee Tariq Kikhany, the owners of banking offices of the ribs out illegal business, “such as the promotion of local currency or foreign forged , or to carry out money laundering. ” says in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, “I have detected in a number of provinces have been active in gangs are forging currency, and we fear that the banking offices of random Karbala interface to promote this type of currency,” noting that “this offices are not subject to scrutiny, because of the number and the dozens of people opened the offices of banking in qualitative and without reference to the regulations in force in this regard. ” The local authorities in the province of Babylon, adjacent to Karbala that they arrested last month by a gang of seven specialized rigging the foreign currency , while its members are in the process promote the currency counterfeit, and seized possession of 60 thousand U.S. $ false. recognizes Kikhany to “difficult to monitor all banking offices,” explains by saying that “these offices work all hours of the day, and can not be for local authorities to put an observer in each office them. ” reveals in this regard, “made representations to the local government to develop a mechanism to regulate the granting special leave to practice the profession of banking to reduce suspicious activity,” explaining that leaves open banking offices in the past “was carried out through government banks known.” and he continues, we “We are in accordance with the new mechanism to limit licensing, however, the local government or be a key player in the granting of such leave,” and points out that his committee “received complaints from citizens have fallen victim to scam a number of banking offices through its passing counterfeit currency, or damaged.” Cashiers: We have a vacation, forgery, we are more affected by it does not appear that the customer alone is a victim of fraud in Karbala and other Iraqi cities, if you confirm some of the money changers that they are committed to leave the official in their work and draw out that they were over the years their victim to the monument through the rigging of the local currency or foreign alike. and reduces Habib Ibrahim El Shadi, the owner of a banking offices in the stock market, the center of Karbala, the fears of the Economic Committee, says “Alsumaria News”, “We’ve got a license to open an office banking from the central bank, with the consent of the Office of Homeland Security in the province , “noting that” the central bank does not grant leave only after authentication of persons applicants, provided they open an account has an amount not less than 50 thousand dollars. ” does not rule out the shady by some people to open new offices banking is permitted, in areas relatively remote from the city center , and points out that “the markets of the popular neighborhoods are not under the control of the competent authorities as markets in the city center,” revealing in this regard that “Some people open their offices for the sale of cards, mobile and make them and interfaces for the disposal and transfer of the dollar and other currencies.” says ATM last, named Raad Abdul Amir Ismail “The ATM is affected most of the counterfeit currency”, and shows by saying, “It loses its reputation in the market, and loses his customers, and has to compensate for counterfeit currency if discovered before they came out of his office.” The attention of Ismail in an interview for “Alsumaria News” that “the owners of banking offices may deceive as others, and pass them counterfeit currency from others because we buy and sell currencies and Oukuana victim of fraud is the question. “indicates Ismail that “the owners of banking offices have purchased modern equipment to detect counterfeit currency, and has become the possibility of circumventing the owners of offices and pass counterfeit currency less of the past, “but he corrects by saying that” personal relationships may be a reason to pass some of these amounts, when there is someone known to the office, are not subject to his money, which is dealing with it with him to scrutiny as others may be part of this money forger. “Politicians: Forging the currency in Iraq, behind Iran and for some Iraqi politicians, the operations of Tozer currency and money laundering, is broader than to be succeeded by ATM or gang what, and assert that the neighboring countries such as Iran is behind the counterfeit currency and widespread in Iraq for the withdrawal of the largest possible amount of hard currency than to its treasury because of international sanctions against it and the long-Qtaiha financial and oil. , says member of the Iraqi Taha Lahibi that “Iran and the help of its agents in Iraq has to enter Iraqi currency counterfeit through its territory and the Syrian territory to flood the Iraqi market to buy foreign currency, after the clarity of the results of the international sanctions on Iran.” and stresses Lahibi that “the silence of the Iraqi government applicable to this matter will put in the dock in collusion with Iran,” and points out that “the continued dumping of the country’s currency, counterfeit will result in significant damage the Iraqi economy.” confirms this view, one shop owners banking in the region of vacant land in central Baghdad Ahmed Mekki, says that “counterfeit currency most of a ten thousand Iraqi dinars are smuggled across the Kurdistan region of Iraq by the Iranian border.” explains Mackie in an interview for “Alsumaria News” that “a ten thousand dinars forged very similar to the currency of origin and by 90%, “noting that” smugglers of Iran buying book a tenth thousands of dollars $ 20 million Iraqi dinars, ie, percent of $ Bmita thousands of dinars from the category of the ten thousands. ” and draws Makki out that there is information reached him, and stating that “one of the smugglers of counterfeit currency set up recently on a number of traders to hand over their $ 500 million and then fled without being delivered to them the amounts of counterfeit, “noting that the goal of the sale of counterfeit currency” is pumping hard currency to Iran. ” believes oil exports 80% of foreign currency Iran’s second largest oil producer in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries him (OPEC), the equivalent of $ 100 billion for the year the Iranian current fiscal (March 2011 to March 2012), note that the calculation of the budget Alaaran is based on the dollar to 10,500 riyals. and the President signed the American Barack Obama in the 31 of December 2011, a law toughening penalties for the financial sector of Iran to pressure Tehran to abandon its nuclear program, and the law provides for freezing the assets of financial institutions that deal with Iran’s central in the oil sector, which led to a decline in the value of Iranian rial to come down its value to 18 thousand to the dollar, down from about 13 thousand and 500 in December. Central Bank: the proportion of fraud normal and one of its sources outside of his part, confirms the Central Bank of Iraq, that the rate of currency Iraqi counterfeit normal compared to the rest of the states, since this ratio can be known through bank deposits has, as it enters the market from three sources, one external. , says Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed Saleh in an interview for “Alsumaria News”, in January 29 last that “there are local currencies forged present in the Iraqi market, but by a simple too, and within the normal range, which are affected by all countries, “noting that” this proportion can be known through bank deposits with the Central Bank. ” and adds that the benefit of “the bank bears the responsibility of the deposits when they contain counterfeit currency, which shall be subject to a fine in addition to pay the cost of those currencies, “calling on banks to” be the interface check their currencies, and not to rely on the central bank. ” The benefit of counterfeiting “of major economic crimes,” adding that “those currencies enter the Iraqi market from three sources, Kaltjar for profit of illegal This enters the charges of money laundering, or amateur, as well as by some States of this and this so-called war intelligence. ” The Iraqi Penal Code No. 111 of 1969, currency counterfeiting, replicated, crime fraud punishable by life imprisonment. The first expert in the bank CBI the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, said in previous statements to the media that the year 2011 saw the arrest of about 1300 people, they forged coins local and foreign. and Raj in the nineties of the last century, the spread of counterfeit currency in Iraq after the imposition of economic sanctions on the country and the invasion of Saddam Hussein’s regime and led the feet of Iraq to print its currency within the country to higher headline inflation to the limits of an unprecedented, as well as the increasing incidence of counterfeit currency at the time because of the lack of international standards sober in copyright. and allowed the events experienced by the country after 2003, the opportunity for many who would undermine its economy to fraud currency and official documents in an atmosphere of chaotic management and lack of control, and issued after the 2003 Iraqi dinars New Made in the Press Dallarro in Britain specifications developed are difficult to forge replaced the dinar printed locally, and replaced the Iraqi dinar printed in Switzerland, which has been marketed in the Kurdistan region after 1991, including equivalent to 150 dinars recently.