Confidential report reveals the involvement of MPs and politicians in the corruption of the Central Bank

Confidential report reveals the involvement of MPs and politicians in the corruption of the Central Bank

02/03/2013 (23:00 pm)

 Baghdad / Mohammad Sabah

Revealed a confidential report prepared by the BSA involvement MPs and politicians in the operations of financial corruption in the Central Bank, and confirmed the investigative parliamentary about the case that the BSA provided the Integrity Commission and the elimination of the report which reveals the actors involved operations buying and selling the dollar in the central bank auction.
said Finance Committee Chairman parliamentary Haider al-Abadi said in an interview with the “long” to “BSA provided the integrity and eliminate a confidential report the names of people, financial companies and banks in Iraq involved issues of corruption in the Central Bank.”
and added that “the report shows link these individuals and companies with some politicians and some members of the House of Representatives , “noting that the Integrity Commission turned this entire file to the judiciary for viewed and complete investigations.
pointed out that “the judiciary form a judicial commission mini study file the Central Bank, and the names of companies and individuals involved before making any judgment or decision,” noting that the Parliamentary Committee filed its report to the integrity in this regard was investigative and not a judicial or security.
and on the content of the report prepared by the Parliament on the issue of the central bank, the committee member that “the report did not mention the names of people, but pointed to the companies involved and the banks,” asserting that “there is money wasted Because teams buying and selling of the currency that you need to open an investigation on them. ”
constituted Presidency of the Council of Representatives in August of last year an investigative committee visited the central bank and looked at the records and numbers, sales and people who earn hard currency, where the work of the investigative different from the work of the Oversight Committee approved by the Council formed, which includes the heads of the financial and economic committees and BSA.
For his part, revealed a member of the Integrity Committee Sabah al-Saadi and the intentions of some political forces to politicize the issue of corruption in the Central Bank. He said in a “long” that there is political forces that tried to dominate the central bank wants to delay investigations on file Central Bank, stressing that the results of the final report of this investigation undeclared so far, demonstrating the presence of Vice premeditated by some to close this file.
between Saadi “The report submitted House of Representatives to the Integrity Commission and the judiciary did not announce the names of the defendants suspicions of corruption within the bank, and what are the manifestations of corruption and where I got all questions not Ajibna one them.”
and added that “all members of the House of Representatives are unaware of the content and the content of this report is written by and signed and what he wrote on it, wondering what would become of this report secret? being there was no report. ”