Central sales declined from the dollar helps to stabilize the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar

Parliament: Central sales declined from the dollar helps to stabilize the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar

11/05/2012 12:00 am

BAGHDAD – morning
ills member of the Committee of Economy and Investment Ibrahim Rikabi, reasons behind the decline central bank sales of dollar into overdrive fake companies that were buying currencies and large quantities of bank auction, stressing that this decline will help stabilize the exchange rate of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar. Rikabi, through a statement quoted by him (News Agency): The reason sales fell Central Bank of hard currency back to the committees formed by the House of Representatives revealed the existence of violations in the sale of hard currency auction the central bank through the deal with fake companies and by (80 percent). continued Rikabi and this is what led to the depletion of foreign currency during the past period and the reason for increasing the exchange rate of the dinar against the dollar, noting after the disclosure of such operations companies retreated from its in the process of buying dollars from the auction.
