Central Bank puts the controls to reduce the counterfeiting of currency substitution when…

Central Bank puts the controls to reduce the counterfeiting of currency substitution when


BAGHDAD / JD / .. A member of the parliamentary finance committee and the representative of the Kurdistan Alliance Church Mustafa that the controls set by the central bank to switch the Iraqi currency took place in coordination with the government .. Said Mustafa’s / JD / “The central bank put instructions and controls on the process of switching the new currency in coordination with the Iraqi government and the knowledge of the House of Representatives, to reduce fraud through the process of replacement. Said,” The Finance Committee discussed with the Central Bank controls established by the order to the operation is done easily and smoothly without being affected negatively on the price of the new currency, or allowing the circulation of counterfeit currency “.. He said Mustafa,” The Committee also discussed how to put the instructions that allow the application of the process of replacing the currency without fraud “.. without elaborating on these controls, which are issues of confidentiality as far as saying .. The central bank today most likely put the new Iraqi currency after deletion of zeros in the first of January .. He said Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi’s / JD / “The Bank will work to put up the new Iraqi currency after deleting three zeros in the 1/1 / 2013 “.. The central bank governor,” there are several measures and the misgivings of many bank is keen to implement them in order to be the process of replacing the currency safe and easy “.. The Finance Committee, the parliamentary revealed earlier in the contract the central bank with major companies to be currency printing paper with a high quality. ” A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee Magda al-Tamimi that “the cost of the actions dedicated to the currency exchange at 150 million dollars.” .. She noted that the “currency exchange and withdrawal be gradual through the process of deposit in banks,” saying, “The withdrawal of currency be gradual and not once as in the previous switch” .. Tamimi and noted that “the Finance Committee to follow up the work of the Central Bank and to share what is going on the process of printing new Iraqi currency.” It quoted a member of the parliamentary finance committee, “a talk by the Governor of Central Bank” Shabibi “” The deposit in the banks when you switch the currency would be one place and controlled to protect the currency from counterfeiting. “/ Ended / 11 n
Source: dananernews