Central Bank: Identification of a commission selling the Iraqi currency ten dinars only be added to the price of the dollar

Date: Thursday, 23/02/2012 10:51

Baghdad (news) .. The Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of the appearance of Mohammed that the bank select a commission selling the Iraqi currency ten dinars only added to the dollar exchange rate set at a reasonable price, indicating that monetary policy is controlled. 
Saleh said (of the Agency news) on Thursday: There are differences in the market for the dinar exchange rate against the dollar in different parts of Iraq, which called for by the Central Bank to impose special measures against market speculation through the identification of a commission to sell the currency ten dinars only be added to the price of the dollar and set a thousand and one hundred and seventy-nine dinars. 
He added that the central bank decided not to receive a bank or company money transfer or franchise more than a commission set starting on Wednesday (February 22 cur) also can not create the price of the last that the central bank rate is (1179) dinars per dollar, which was originally (1166), but added it (13) JD commission, banks and companies charge (10) JD shared, adding that it should not exceed price for (10) dinars for central bank rate for the commission. 
For his part, said Iraqi Central Bank Governor Sinan Shabibi said in an interview it (the news) that it is possible that Ntmon everyone, be they in government or the House of Representatives or the citizen himself and that monetary policy and the dinar policy controlled and that there are reserves of so-called cover the currency is in fact sufficient and will ensure that the march of the dinar in the country. 
The central bank Iraqi revealed on the sixth of January 2012, a rise in reserves of foreign currency into (60) billion dollars for the first time in the history of Iraq, after it had been in 2010 had reached to (58) billion dollars. 
and Deputy Governor of Central Bank of Iraq the appearance of Mohammed favor of the ninth of January 2012: that the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the Iraqi market as well as higher sales of the Iraqi Central Bank foreign currency, due to the financing of trade of neighboring countries by the Iraqi traders. 
The central bank held the Iraqi daily sessions for buying and selling currencies with the participation of foreign banks, which is funding the Iraqi traders from the private sector except for public holidays on which depends the World Bank for these auctions and sales are either cash or in the form of remittances sold abroad for a commission of certain. / Finished