Central Bank announces the sale of 80 billion dinars Khawwalat Treasury

Central Bank announces the sale of 80 billion dinars Khawwalat Treasury

Tuesday January 22, 2013

BAGHDAD – babysit – Central Bank announced the sale of 80 billion dinars treasury Khawwalat, pointing out that the three participants won Balasaddaria.
The bank said in a statement issued today, and received news agency public opinion (and babysit) a copy of “The Ministry of Finance approved a public auction 48 for sale transfers treasury for 182 days and $ 82 billion dinars,” noting “it was whole sale الاصدارية and the highest price of the auction competitive “.

He added that “the participants in the auction are two banks, in addition to the circle of care for minors and the retirement,” noting that “three participants won Basdaria of through competitive bidding, and the fourth non-competitive tender” … p / i
