British report identifies the place of “Baghdadi” after his escape from Iraq

British report identifies the place of “Baghdadi” after his escape from Iraq

Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 15:13 PM

British report identifies the place of Baghdadi after his escape from IraqBaghdad / Sky Press

The leader of the al-Qaeda organization Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has fled to Africa, a former leader of the Egyptian Islamic Group has said.

The newspaper said in its report that “the leader of the organization is calling, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi fled from Iraq, a fortified in Africa,” indicating that “Baghdadi hopes to revive the wealth of its organization there.”

For his part, expert on jihadist groups in Egypt, Sameh Eid, said that “Baghdadi is likely to be in Africa after the group members fled Iraq and Syria.”

“Baghdadi could be somewhere like northern Chad or the lawless border area between Algeria and Niger,” said Najah Ibrahim, a former JI leader.

It is worth mentioning that the intelligence agencies in Iraq and Europe confirmed more than 18 months ago that the headquarters of the leader of the Daqash Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is located in a village south of the district of Baaj in the province of Mosul, northern Iraq, and traveled to al-Baghdadi, on the Iraqi-Syrian border.