Banking expert attributed the appearance of Mohammed Saleh reasons for the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the increased demand in the domestic market.
Banking expert attributed the appearance of Mohammed Saleh reasons for the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to the increased demand in the domestic market.
Saleh said that those who control the dollar and exchange rates of foreign currencies in Iraq Kvelon the work on the stability of the exchange rates of the dollar according to the economic and financial policies that must work in market economies.
Saleh added that Iraq has become a market-funded for the many destinations by selling huge amounts of dollar exchange rates and foreign currency of various kinds, attributing the reasons for the high exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the local markets to withdrawals of large and abnormal during the hearings conducted by the day.
He described the benefit of this rise in local markets about it natural considering that the exchange rates of foreign currencies linked to demand and supply in the market local Iraqi Each more than demand for the dollar leads to increased exchange rate and all more than display at least its price in the market is Maithaddd policy based on determining exchange rates of hard currency in Referring to the CBI.
On the other hand stressed a number of owners of banking offices in Baghdad and the Kurdistan region to the high exchange rates of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar to about 128 thousand dinars for one hundred dollars against the exchange rate reached to 130 thousand dinars for one hundred dollars in the Kurdistan region. He said the owners of offices banking that the high exchange rates of the dollar during the past few months has been associated departure of former central bank governor Sinan al-Shabibi from office for political reasons and purely technical, مبينين that the central bank was working to determine the stability of the exchange rate of the dollar and the Iraqi dinar after doing several economic measures and financial.
They said the rise in the dollar and exchange rates of foreign currencies is still ongoing since for quite some time after the measures the central bank and the policies that it deems most bankers and financial wrong and incorrect cross-selling massive amounts of hard currency for all citizens by 5 thousand dollars for anyone who wishes to buy hard currency or discharge as led to an increase in the dollar exchange rates in the markets, without any checks and instructions.