Banker: the banking sector has the potential to qualify to compete with global banks

Banker: the banking sector has the potential to qualify to compete with global banks

Date: 03/10/2013 08:06:32 Sunday

Baghdad (news) .. Likely banking expert Mohsen Ali, the development of the banking sector and promotion in the coming years and make it a global competitor, what possessed of great potential, calling for creating a solid legislative environment to support this important sector.
Ali said (of the Agency news): The Iraqi banking sector has great potential in terms of human resources and good environment to help him compete with global banks, but still faces a number of difficulties and challenges that have prevented the promotion during the current period.

He added: that local banks need rehabilitation at all levels and the introduction of modern technological systems in their work as well as the training of cadres working also need to open channels of banking with foreign banks to exchange experiences and to contribute to the strengthening of the Iraqi economy.

It is noted that the banking system in Iraq consists of forty-three banks as well as the Central Bank and distributed according to ownership between (7) state banks and (30) Bank Ahli including (7) Islamic banks in addition to (6) of foreign banks. / End / 8. N . p /