Al-Zorfi: We will start to ease the conflict between America and Iran

Al-Zorfi: We will start to ease the conflict between America and Iran

3/29/2020 15:57

Al-Zorfi - We will start to ease the conflict between America and Iran[Baghdad-Ain]
The Prime Minister-designate, Adnan Al-Zrafi, confirmed today, Sunday, that the US-Iranian conflict has negative repercussions on the situation in Iraq.
“The increase in geopolitical tension in the region, especially the conflict between the United States and the neighbor, the Islamic Republic of Iran, has negative repercussions on the political, economic and security situation in Iraq,” Al-Zorfi said in a tweet on his Twitter account.

He added: “Therefore, we will start playing a serious role in alleviating this conflict and removing Iraq and the region from its dangerous repercussions.”