Al-Araji reveals signs of a change in the position of the heads of the bloc against the Zarfi objection

Al-Araji reveals signs of a change in the position of the heads of the bloc against the Zarfi objection

11:45 – 3/25/2020

Al-Araji reveals signs of a change in the position of the heads of the bloc against the Zarfi objectionBAGHDAD – Mawazine News
, former Deputy Prime Minister, Bahaa al-Araji, revealed on Wednesday, signs of changing the position of heads of blocs from objecting to Prime Minister-designate Adnan Al-Zarfi for acceptance.
Al-Araji said, in a tweet via “Twitter”, that “the support of many representatives of blocs that had previously objected to the assignment of al-Zorfi will change the position of the heads of these blocs objecting to the taxpayer.”
And he added, “This was evident during the unannounced meetings that took place during the past two days.”