Al-Araji: Abdul-Mahdi informed the political blocs of leaving his position to the President of the Republic after 30 days

Al-Araji: Abdul-Mahdi informed the political blocs of leaving his position to the President of the Republic after 30 days


Al-Araji - Abdul-Mahdi informed the political blocs of leaving his position to the President of the Republic after 30 daysFormer Deputy Prime Minister Bahaa Al-Araji revealed on Wednesday that resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi informed the political blocs of not staying in the position “one minute” after 30 days, noting that the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, would replace him according to the constitution.

Al-Araji said in a tweet on his Twitter site, “After meeting yesterday with the Prime Minister-designate of the resigned, the second informed the political blocs that he will not continue in office for even a minute after the lapse of 30 days from the date of the assignment.”

Al-Araji added, “By this, the President of the Republic replaces him in accordance with Article 81 of the Constitution,” saying that “this is a way to pressure those blocs to accept Allawi’s methodology of reform.”

On Tuesday, the head of the caretaker government, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, discussed with Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi efforts to form the government.

A statement issued by Abdul-Mahdi office said, “There was deliberation on the developments of the situation in the country, the peaceful movement, support for efforts to form the new government, and emphasized the need for all forces to cooperate to facilitate the task of the Prime Minister-designate in expediting the selection of the cabinet and strengthening the work of state institutions.”