Al-Abadi launches a six-point initiative to overcome the government formation crisis

Al-Abadi launches a six-point initiative to overcome the government formation crisis

4/3/2020 14:38

Al-Abadi launches a six-point initiative to overcome the government formation crisis[Baghdad-Ain]
The head of the victory coalition, Haider al-Abadi, proposed a six-point initiative to get the country out of the crisis and form an independent government with the involvement of activists and joint oversight committees.
Al-Abadi called in a statement received by [Ain], today, Wednesday, all parties with solidarity solutions out of the crisis, and the need to show wisdom and a spirit of compromise away from narrow interests and high ceilings and risk adventures.
He added that the initiative comes from national responsibility and to overcome the crisis of trust and the emptiness of power, noting that the initiative includes assigning the President of the Republic an independent, efficient and strong personality to head the government within 15 days, and forming a mini government to manage the transitional phase, provided that it does not exceed one year from the date on which it takes responsibility.
He added that among the initiative was to hold early and fair elections in partnership with UNAMI and no later than 12/31/2020, to control security, to confine arms to the state, to bring the perpetrators of the demonstrators and security forces to justice, to impartial national decision, and to compel the Prime Minister-designate to form the government away from partisan quotas Agitated while maintaining the representation of the national societal diversity, involving professional competencies and government activists, and appointing an advisor to the Prime Minister for mass demands, to ensure the involvement of the public in the management of the transitional phase.
He pointed to the formation of special three-party committees from the government, the UNAMI and the demonstrators, to supervise the tasks of holding elections and the investigation committees for killing protesters and security forces and restoring security in the Iraqi governorates.