Abdul Mahdi demands parliament give him the power to make government amendments
Abdul Mahdi demands parliament give him the power to make government amendments
2019-10-04 | 02:23
BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi has urged lawmakers to support cabinet changes and called for calm after three days of bloody unrest in the country.
He said in his speech, “We demand the House of Representatives and political forces full commitment to give the Prime Minister the power to complete his cabinet and make ministerial adjustments away from political quotas.”
He said Abdul – Mahdi , that there is no “magic solution” to the problems of governance and the exploitation of chronic power in Iraq , but he pledged to try to pass a law giving poor families a basic salary.
He said in this context, “We have a project we will submit to the House of Representatives in the short period to give a salary to each family does not have enough income so as to provide a minimum income to ensure each Iraqi family to live in dignity.”
His comments came as protesters demanded the fall of the government.
“Your voice is heard before you demonstrate and your demands to fight corruption and comprehensive reform are right,” Abdel Mahdi told the demonstrators.
But he demanded the return of “life back to normal in the various provinces and respect for the rule of law , ”
The Abdul – Mahdi , announced on Wednesday a curfew in Baghdad until further notice after the killing and wounding a number of demonstrators during two days of anti-government protests that pervades the country.
Police sources said the government had earlier imposed a curfew in three cities in southern Iraq, while security forces clashed with protesters who tried to storm the Baghdad airport and spread in the city of Nasiriyah in the south after “police” lost control “after an exchange of fire between protesters and security forces .