A Kurdistan Democratic member reveals 3 of the 5 names he says are close to being asked to form a government

A Kurdistan Democratic member reveals 3 of the 5 names he says are close to being asked to form a government

11/23/2020 12:20

A Kurdistan Democratic member reveals 3 of the 5 names he says are close to being asked to form a governmentBaghdad today – private

On Tuesday (11 March 2020), a member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Imad Bajlan, revealed the closest personality to the position of prime minister, stating that there are 5 names to take over and the matter has not been resolved yet.

Baglan said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), “The political blocs have not yet proposed a specific figure to take over the presidency of the new government, but there are 5 names competing for the position, including Ali Al-Shukri, Asaad Al-Eidani and Mustafa Al-Kazemi.”

He added, “The closest to assuming the position away from these names is the desire of the political blocs to keep the resigned Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi,” pointing out that “Abdul-Mahdi is the closest and best in this difficult stage the country is going through.”

Regarding offering the name of the former prime minister, Haider al-Abadi, to take the post, Baglan said, “Any person who receives the position of the new government will be supported by Kurdish parties, provided they adhere to the constitutional rights of the Kurdistan region.”

The deputy of the Al-Nasr Alliance, Faleh Al-Ziyadi, confirmed on Tuesday (10 March 2020) that the head of the coalition, Haider al-Abadi, had not yet informed his members of his desire to run for the post of prime minister, while he indicated that political parties had nominated him to return to the position.

Al-Ziyadi said in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “Al-Abadi has not met with members of the Al-Nasr coalition so far, to resolve the issue of his candidacy for the post of presidency of the new government, in order to support him.”

He added that “Al-Abadi’s nomination for the post of prime minister came from outside the victory, by some political forces,” noting that “any candidate for the next prime minister’s position must be accepted and the political forces agree to cross to the bank of safety and save the Iraqi people from the big problems that Surrounds the country. ”
