A Barzani party member sets a condition in exchange for agreeing to name independent ministers for the next government

A Barzani party member sets a condition in exchange for agreeing to name independent ministers for the next government

03/06/2020 10:00

A Barzani party member sets a condition in exchange for agreeing to name independent ministers for the next governmentBaghdad today – Kurdistan

Member of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Idris Shaaban, said on Friday (6 March 2020), that his party will not oppose the selection of independent ministers for the next government, provided that the Democratic Party is consulted in that.

Idris Shaaban stated, in an interview with (Baghdad Today), that “the Democrat told the Shiite political blocs not to oppose any personality they nominate for the position of Prime Minister, if he respects the rights of the Kurdistan region and does not cancel the previous agreements signed between Baghdad and Erbil.”

Shaban added, “The Democratic Party does not oppose the idea of ​​choosing independent ministers, but on the condition that it consulted in nominating them and not dealing with the Kurds selectively,” noting that his party “did not impose certain personalities from the first line in assuming certain positions at all.”

The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Bloc in the House of Representatives, Vian Sabri, confirmed yesterday, Wednesday (04 March 2020), that the Shiite political blocs have the ability to keep the country out of crises if it wanted to, while indicating that its party will send a delegation to Baghdad soon to talk about political developments, including naming The Prime Minister-designate.

Sabri said during her talk to the “Point of View” program, which is presented by the media, Nabil Jassem, on the Tigris satellite channel, that “the demonstrators demanded to amend the constitution, but the political blocs were busy forming the government”, pointing out that “the Shiite political blocs have the ability to keep the country away from the crises If she wanted to and the current disagreement over the nomination of Adil Abdel Mahdi as a substitute, it would be because the Shiite forces differed among themselves.

She added that “the country needs a government that satisfies all political parties, including the demonstrators,” noting that “everyone is calling on the Kurds only to concede while no one talks the same with the rest of the components.”

She continued that “the formation of the Prime Minister-designate, Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi, did not meet the aspirations of the demonstrators or the political forces, and the KDP did not require the nomination of a member of the party in the Allawi government.”

And on the nomination of a new president to head the next government, Sabri said, “The Presidency of the Kurdistan Region met today with the region’s deputies in Baghdad and the meeting discussed this issue without talking about setting Kurdish conditions on the matter.”

Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi presented his apology to President Barham Salih last Sunday for forming the new government after he spoke of political pressure that he experienced that hindered the passing of his ministerial list in Parliament.

After that, the Presidency issued a statement, after the Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi’s apology for forming the transitional government.

The presidency stated in a statement received (Baghdad Today), that “with reference to the statement of Prime Minister-designate Muhammad Tawfiq Allawi on his inability to form his government during the specified constitutional period, and based on the provisions of Article 76 of the constitution, the President of the Republic begins consultations to select an alternative candidate within a period of time 15 days within the scope of his constitutional and national responsibilities. ”
