Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-19-2020
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 11-19-2020
11-19-2020 Intel Guru Delta …they say when Iraq goes back internationally they have to go to the pre-war…that’s about $3.22. They’re talking about a reinstatement…it’s a one way street. There’s no going back. You can see the urgency and rushing to finalize this…because they know when they release the value and go international whoever becomes the president in the U.S. they cannot change that anymore because it’s a one way street. If they go right now, to say 1 to 1, they cannot come back and say we’re going back to 1200 dinar. It doesn’t work anymore…they are moving very fast…they have to finish and finalize the new rate.
11-19-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …the borrowing law was passed. When it was passed IMO a new calculation was taken into account. This law allows the GOI to borrow money now…the mechanism of raising the value of the Iraqi dinar to go from trillions to billions is in play. The lifting of the exchange rate value and the introduction of the RD [Redenomination] – That’s the last part of this Monetary Reform…they are about to raise the value of their currency and they are about to introduce a new currency and this is the last part.
11-19-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff What is the budget waiting on? Why haven’t we seen it yet? Well it’s simple. Because this budget has reforms in it. It literally needs the rate change for its calculations. In other words they can’t start the budget until after the rate has changed. Article: “The 2021 Budget Will arrive in Parliament Next week”. If this is true I’ve got a big smile on my face…everything I’ve been telling you is right on track…we’re looking good.
11-18-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [What do you hear about NDA’s? Do you think they are real?] I do…I know Mr. C [Guru Mike Cottrell] does not think there will be one…I think the NDA will only be on the rate…i do not think it will be “all powerful” and they can take your money if you say anything…..I had talked to a number of bankers that agree with me. The NDA on rate is for many different reasons…Different countries may have different rates. They have different levels of participation- especially on the dinar. Also to protect ourselves…..for our security….That is what I am being told…
11-18-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ASIA TIMES: ASIA-PACIFIC COUNTRIES SIGN WORLD’S LARGEST TRADE PACT … INCLUDING VIETNAM, INDONESIA ” Vietnam is getting into the same situation as Iraq . Unless they release a rate it will be hard to do business in Vietnam with all these zeros. This is one to watch. I have proof that the Dong was scheduled to revalue way back in 2011 and was held up due to money laundering for China . But that was 9 years ago. It is way overdue to revalue.
11-18-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …things are happening – this has started and now it is a matter of when they are going to reach us – we are not at the very front of the line… we are that close…I do believe they want this completed for us before Thanksgiving…Don’t sweat the rates – we are going to be in great shape on rates – on Dinar – Dong…
11-18-2020 Newshound Guru Jeff Let’s talk about the 2021 budget…”the rate is in the budget”. That’s not true. Budgets do not contain rates. They’re calculated off rates…it simply converts the overall calculation of the budget from being calculated in trillions of dinar (this is in today’s rate) to billions of dinar after the rate change…
11-18-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 A lot of you think, ‘Oh, we’ve got the borrowing law! It’s got the rate inside.” No. I never said that…we told you the borrowing law was extremely important for the international world to coming into Iraq so they could have a rate. Therefore, the borrowing law when passed would be part of the reason to come out with a new rate.
11-18-2020 Intel Guru Footforward …I believe they have wanted to pull the trigger on the RV at least a dozen times this year so far…
11-18-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] From banking contacts…I am being told that suddenly there was a push last night to get everybody in place to “update” information for next week. …if you did not see [Guru] Walkingsticks post…on what’s going on in the banking sector…the Government and the CBI is now instructing banks, and the banks will be instructing people…and they are finally positioning for a revaluation of their currency over there. Cross your fingers…the news chatter is exceptionally good today. I have also heard the news Walkingstick reported from 3 of my contacts on the ground in Iraq.
11-18-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “THE DECLINE IN THE RESERVES OF THE CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ TO 35 BILLION DOLLARS .. AND THE REASON!” so the loans they have been recently talking about to pay the salaries did NOT come from outside international funds? So they lied to us and to the Iraqi people. This is not good as they are now below the acceptable IMF levels for financial requirements. I told everyone they could NOT get outside loans in spite of what they were telling us they planned to do…
11-18-2020 Intel Guru Delta …there’s so many confirmations that the Central Bank of Iraq they’re on the verge to changing the rates and then go to the market economy…the CBI governor…told everyone that he is going to make the Iraqi dinar stronger. This is what we’re looking for. We’re really in good progress…not everything means imminent revaluation…yes, something is going to happen. We don’t have much left…even if it’s going to happen December or January that’s less than 2 months left…this is the end of it.