Law Calls for “urgent investigation” on repeat Americans dropped weapons for “Daash”

Law Calls for “urgent investigation” on repeat Americans dropped weapons for “Daash”

02/04/2015 14:01 GMT

Law Calls for urgent investigation on repeat Americans dropped weapons for DaashFollow-up – and babysit – called coalition of state law, on Wednesday, the government and the House of Representatives to conduct “urgent investigation” on repeat projection Americans weapons to groups “Daash” criminal in a number of areas of Iraq, pointing out that the United States not have a clear and explicit policy towards what is happening in Iraq.
The MP said the coalition, Ahmed El-Badri said that “dropping the international coalition aircraft that American-led aid totals Daash criminal may be repeated several times, the government and the House of Representatives did not have an explicit and firm position,” noting that “there should be a pause for the House of Representatives and in particular the Commission on Security and Defense, as the This work within its jurisdiction. ”

He added that “America were not a clear and explicit policy towards what is happening in Iraq, on the one hand the international coalition formed to fight Daash countries and called for help Iraq on the other hand provides for Daash aid in the form of weapons and munitions.”

Badri said that “this contradiction generates our conclusion that America is trying to prolong the war with Daash This drains all the energy on the security and economic level”, adding that “the coalition will present these topics in the next House of Representatives sessions for discussion and treatment.”

Security Committee revealed in the Diyala provincial council on Tuesday, for the two planes belonging to the International Alliance lowered the 30 component of the aggregates “Daash” criminal in Mr. Mubarak Hamrin area of ​​the bridge coming from northern Iraq.

The Diyala provincial council member Mohammed al-Saadi revealed (Thursday, 15/01/2015), for landing an international coalition aircraft in the basin areas Sensl controlled by elements of the groups “Daash” criminal, and besieged by the Iraqi security forces, stressing that the aircraft has transferred leaders organization of the region, fearing for their deaths.

It is noteworthy that the Diyala provincial council member Najat al-Tai, revealed (Tuesday, 01/13/2015), for the three aircraft on a US operation to take down the elements of the organization “Daash” criminal Sensl in the basin under the control of the organization, indicating that the aircraft provided them with weapons and food.