Vice Kordstani: Baghdad and Erbil are facing external pressure to resolve their differences

Vice Kordstani: Baghdad and Erbil are facing external pressure to resolve their differences

Date: 11/10/2012 13:19:50 Saturday

Baghdad (news) .. According to a member of the Kurdistan Alliance MP / coalition blocs Kurdistan / Adel Abdullah, a foreign pressure by neighboring states to the federal government and the Kurdistan region to resolve outstanding issues between the parties.
Abdullah said in a statement (of the Agency news) on Saturday: The differences between Baghdad and Erbil are not deep and can be resolved through adherence to the constitution and the application of previous agreements, pointing to the existence of external pressure exerted by neighboring countries like Iran, Turkey and other Gulf states to Baghdad and Erbil to resolve outstanding issues and differences between the parties. However MP Kurdistan saying: There are other countries with a negative role in resolving differences between parties, explaining that the current parliamentary session ends without resolving differences my Baghdad and Erbil radical solution. The political scene differences between the blocs, especially between Baghdad and Erbil, which has become the forefront differences, at the same time seeking the President to bring the views between the political blocs and holding national meeting which suspended it blocks hopes to resolve the political crisis. / end / 7. d. Q /
