U.S. welcomed the dialogues between Baghdad and Erbil
U.S. welcomed the dialogues between Baghdad and Erbil 4/22/13
The United States welcomed the U.S. on Monday, the ongoing dialogues between the KRG and Baghdad, and described as ‘positive and correct’, while confirming that the Government of the Territory has ‘tremendous effort’ to support the Syrian refugees.
The presidency of the Kurdistan region in a statement that ‘the President of the Presidium of the Kurdistan region, Fouad Hussein received, on Sunday, (April 21 2013), in a building Diwan Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister of the United States Barbara Leaf and Consul General of the US in the region, Paul Stephen ‘.
She presidency the that ‘the parties addressed a range of issues pertaining to the general political situation and the position of the Kurdistan region of the overall political issues lingering in Iraq as well as relations between the region and the United States’, indicating that the ‘provincial elections in Iraq and the development of the western regions and demonstrations there were within discussions between the parties’.
She Presidency the ‘Chairman of the Presidium of the Kurdistan region, Fouad Hussein explain the results of the meeting President Barzani with representatives of the Kurdish forces in Baghdad, who decided which to send high-level delegation to Baghdad to conduct dialogues with the federal government ‘, stressing that’ Deputy Assistant Foreign Minister of the United States Barbara Leaf evaluated this step and described as correct and positive. ‘
The presidency of the Kurdistan region to be ‘Syria and put the Kurds which was another focus of the meeting, as the parties discussed the development of Syrian refugees in the Kurdistan region’, pointing out that ‘the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State confirmed that the Government of the Territory has tremendous efforts to support these refugees and making all kinds of aid and help him. ‘
The president pointed out that ‘the meeting dealt with the march of peace talks in Turkey’, in reference to the negotiations between the Turkish government and the PKK.
The Kurdish forces decided after a meeting with the President of Kurdistan, the first on Saturday (April 20 2013), send a delegation of political ‘high-level’ to Baghdad in the light of a ‘positive’ sent by the President of the National Alliance, and confirmed that the delegation would seek to ‘direct dialogue’ with the National Alliance and the federal government, expressing its desire to ‘radical treatments files the for the relationship between the federal government and the region’.
The new head of the Kurdistan region, Massoud Barzani, on Friday (12 April 2013), his assurances that the Kurds ‘are not ready to live under oppression and tyranny’ in the case of failure to resolve the political problems in Iraq, and stressed that the social situation in the Kurdistan region ‘walking at a steady pace forward’ With praised ‘the formation of Kurdish group within the Socialist International ‘, the President of the Socialist International was delighted evolution taking place in the region.
The Barzani said in the March 14, 2013, that the cause of the crisis through which Iraq is currently the ‘non-compliance with the Constitution ‘, which defined the tasks and the rights of all parties, and between that the solution lies’ in the implementation of the Convention on Arbil’ because it is a road map to save Iraq, and stressed that the Kurds will not accept subordination and their key role in the new Iraq commensurate with the size of the sacrifices they have made for this role and asked, ‘Are we partners If yes Fenrid you actually If Vleslk is not all of us the right way.’
In an attempt to resolve the crisis between the province and the center announced Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Thursday the 11th of April 2013, through a statement that he agreed with the Kurdish delegation negotiating team in Baghdad on the ‘calm’ and avoids ‘what raises the atmosphere’ and the formation of committees to resolve the problems between Baghdad and Erbil.
The Kurdish delegation headed by Deputy Prime Minister Ruz Nuri Shaways met, Wednesday, (April 10, 2013), leader of the National Alliance, Ibrahim al-Jaafari and representatives from the rest of the components of the alliance, with the two sides stressed the need to resolve the outstanding problems between the two sides, and a commitment letter media positive would create an atmosphere appropriate for dialogue, also agreed to hold another meeting next Saturday to continue what he began by both parties at this meeting.
But despite the attempt of the National Alliance filming frameworks solution they are limited to the problems between the federal government and the province, the Kurds assert their insistence on the need to adopt national solution destruction that the problem in the country is the problem of the rule of dealing with multiple parties and not the Kurds alone, stressing a true partnership, consensus and balance as the basis for any solution Matrouh and without meeting these conditions become open to all options.
Kurdish forces were announced on 8/4 / 2013 that it had decided to send a delegation to Baghdad convey a message Kurds to an alliance that includes vision to resolve the current political crisis, according to the specific demands while confirming that the position of the political process will be determined in the light of the coalition’s response to these demands.
The Kurdish forces met in (April 1, 2013) and confirmed that it will resort to ‘appropriate options’ in the case of failure to take the National Alliance practical steps and procedures for the application of the partnership and consensus in the central government, and confirmed those forces as keen on the Protection of the Constitution and the values of partnership and balance and national consensus.
The chronic crisis and worsening between Baghdad and Erbil, the warning of the prospects of an open board with more than a leading Kurdistan, led by regional president Massoud Barzani has repeatedly, and the charged atmosphere caused by near the provincial elections on the twentieth of April, suggesting the difficulty of finding solutions to the problems Whether relationship between Baghdad and Erbil, which is ‘sticking’ or on other fronts, fearing the impact of its repercussions on the electoral scene.