Tamimi stresses the abolition of the currency auction and keep the Central Bank from quotas

Tamimi stresses the abolition of the currency auction and keep the Central Bank from quotas

05/12/2015 13:16 GMT

Tamimi stresses the abolition of the currency auction and keep the Central Bank from quotasBAGHDAD – and babysit – criticized by the parliamentary finance committee Majida al-Tamimi current Central Bank, “stressing” the need to cancel the auction currency and the dimensions of Directors of the Bank for quotas partisan and political. ”
He said al-Tamimi said in a statement news agency public opinion had received a copy of it, that “political and partisan quotas confused the work of government institutions, particularly the economic ones,” stressing “the necessity to run the central bank by specialists economy and money, not according to the quotas that have caused the destruction of Iraq’s economy.” .

She explained Tamimi that “the auction currency is increasing dramatically in spite of our pleas many of the Central Bank of the need to reduce the sales of hard currency, especially since these sales covered sometimes from the reserve value negatively affect the quantity,” stressing the “importance of maintaining the size of the reserve and in proportion to the international standards. ”

He pointed out that “there is a great imbalance in the currency auction,” noting that “the central bank customers from the private sector are buying the dollar at the official rate to cover imports under the pretext of the state and the move carrying imbalance intentional, the fact that the sale of the dollar at the official rate goes into the pockets of the corrupt.”

And was amazed Tamimi of the “insistence of the central bank to hold an auction of the currency,” she wondered, “Is there an auction in the neighboring countries of the coin as is the case in Iraq.”

And raised suspicions of corruption and operations of money laundering through the central bank auction where announced, specialized issues of integrity and economic crime and money laundering a misdemeanor court, on 20 August issued sentences of imprisonment and a fine against officials in the Rafidain and North after being convicted on charges of corruption and money laundering, a banner in the earlier to the presence of 20 defendants in these cases, some degree of Chairman of the Board. ”

The Federal Supreme Court, announced on the sixth of July, several articles unconstitutional in budget 2015 law, including Article 50, the judge to “compel the Central Bank identifies sales of hard currency [the dollar] in its daily auction ceiling does not exceed $ 75 million a day “.
