The region threatens to “sue” Baghdad and Kurdish leader confirms: relations soured again
The region threatens to “sue” Baghdad and Kurdish leader confirms: relations soured again
BAGHDAD / … The leader of the former Kurdish MP Mahmoud Othman, Thursday, that the completion of a serious dialogue between Baghdad and Erbil is the solution, calling on the region to be careful in finding alternative if dialogue does not work as it should, while noting that the KRG could sue on Baghdad at the Federal Supreme Court.
Osman said Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: iraqi oil
Abadi Office: adoption of a new oil deal with the Kurdistan untrue
Abadi Office: adoption of a new oil deal with the Kurdistan untrue
05.19.2015 12:40
Brother – Bgad
The government denied the central adopted a new oil deal with Arbil after recent controversy which summoned the travel and oil minister to the region.
He said government spokesman, Saad al-Hadithi “The news that talk about such a new agreement are baseless and that Baghdad’s continuing commitment to the oil agreement with Erbil and will not Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: iraqi oil
Specialists describe the central bank cut the rate of the dinar to the bitter treatment
Specialists describe the central bank cut the rate of the dinar to the bitter treatment
BAGHDAD / JD / .. A number of experts and specialists in the financial and economic affairs, said the central bank has taken several measures to reduce the federal budget for the 2015 deficit, which exceeded the rate of more than 40%, including reducing the dinar exchange rate against the dollar, noting during their talk Agency / JD / that the reduction rate of the dinar against the dollar is a cure, but over because it will raise Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, Iraqi Dinar, iraqi oil
Nechirvan Barzani, confirming the continuation of the dialogue with Baghdad over oil deal
Nechirvan Barzani, confirming the continuation of the dialogue with Baghdad over oil deal
05/14/2015 11:26 GMT
Arbil-and babysit – The head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, the continuation of dialogue between Baghdad and Erbil on the oil agreement, threatened that if not reached agreement, the province will start to sell oil directly.
Barzani said on Thursday, in a press conference with the President of the Kurdistan Parliament, after a meeting between the government and the parliament, he said that Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Iraqi budget 2015, iraqi oil
Arbil, Baghdad received more than trillion dinars .. and Kurdistan politician to hold a meeting to take a stand against the oil agreement
Arbil, Baghdad received more than trillion dinars .. and Kurdistan politician to hold a meeting to take a stand against the oil agreement
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 12:02
Arbil / Baghdadi News / .. Kurdish source said that the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, will meet in Arbil on Wednesday, with ministers and MPs of the Kurds, to determine the position on the oil agreement signed with Baghdad, which accuses
The region where the central government not to implement the oil accord, although delivery Baghdad Arbil amount exceeds trillion dinars as part of the agreement
The source told / Baghdadi News / “Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Iraqi Dinar, iraqi oil
A proposal from the Kurdistan Parliament to sell oil to foreign companies instead of Baghdad
A proposal from the Kurdistan Parliament to sell oil to foreign companies instead of Baghdad
Monday 11-05-2015 | 4:17:29
Twilight News / Dilshad said Shaaban, a member of the Commission on oil and gas in the Kurdistan Parliament he submitted a proposal for the sale of oil to foreign companies, rather than the Iraqi government for failing to comply with the recent agreement between Baghdad and Erbil.
In a statement to Agence Twilight News Shaaban, “the provincial government has sold oil in the amount of about trillion Iraqi dinars Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Iraqi Dinar, iraqi oil
Kurdistan region threatens to sell oil to foreign companies
Kurdistan region threatens to sell oil to foreign companies
05/10/2015 21:47
Kurdistan region: We are waiting for an official position from Baghdad to send other financial advance for the region.
BAGHDAD / Obelisk: threatened the Energy Committee in the Kurdistan region’s parliament on Sunday, the region’s resort to the sale of oil to foreign companies in the absence of Baghdad’s obligation to pay his dues, arguing that it is difficult to continue the oil agreement Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: iraqi oil
Nechirvan Barzani, accusing Baghdad of failing to honor the agreement in the oil: We seek a new agreement
Nechirvan Barzani, accusing Baghdad of failing to honor the agreement in the oil: We seek a new agreement
10/5/2015 nine twelve p.m.
accused the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani, on Sunday, that Baghdad has not adhered to the Convention concluded between them and Irbil, “referring to the” pursuit of the Kurdistan region to conclude a new agreement with the federal government. ”
The Erbil and Baghdad agreed last December Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Iraqi Dinar, iraqi oil
Barzani: If Baghdad dealt with Kurdistan as a buyer of oil must conclude another agreement
Barzani: If Baghdad dealt with Kurdistan as a buyer of oil must conclude another agreement
M P SUNDAY 0.03 MAY 2015 01:29
Twilight News / saw the head of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani, held last oil deal with Baghdad in the event of Arbil dealt with as a buyer of oil.
The Erbil and Baghdad have agreed to export 250 thousand barrels of oil in the Kurdistan Region, and 300 thousand barrels of Kirkuk to the oil pipeline run by the Iraqi government, but the implementation process faced a technical problem.
Barzani said according to news satellite Roudao Kurdish, that “the region deal with Baghdad was based on the federal fiscal budget bill, Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Iraqi Dinar, iraqi oil
Oil: April exports average 3.7 million barrels imports 4.8 billion dollars [expanded]
Oil: April exports average 3.7 million barrels imports 4.8 billion dollars [expanded]
5.1.2015 14:30
the Ministry of Oil that “preliminary statistical exports for the month of April, said the rate stood at 3.7 million barrels, the highest since the eighties of the last century.”
He said ministry spokesman Assem Jihad said in a statement received by the agency all of Iraq [where] a copy of it, that “April exports experienced the highest rate in the quantities exported since the eighties and exports totaled Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, iraqi oil
Economists: Iraq is far from the specter of bankruptcy and recovering from its financial crisis
Economists: Iraq is far from the specter of bankruptcy and recovering from its financial crisis
29/04/2015 09:34
BAGHDAD / Source News / .. rumors about the possible bankruptcy of the treasury Iraq is far from the Health Wednesday that the economic sources said
He said economic expert on Zuhair al-Rubaie told / Source News / that Iraq has a large cash reserve in addition to gold
He noted that the coming stage will witness a major breakthrough Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, Iraqi dinar currency, Iraqi gold, iraqi oil
Iran is preparing to drill in a joint oil field with Iraq and stresses: There are changes you will get after the lifting of sanctions
Iran is preparing to drill in a joint oil field with Iraq and stresses: There are changes you will get after the lifting of sanctions
29.4.2015 two past seven p.m.
Long-Presse / Baghdad
The Iranian government announced on Wednesday, is ready to begin the second phase of exploration in the oil field jointly with Iraq during the months of June and July next, with eye to complete the field preparations by 94% under the supervision of a Chinese oil company, he confirmed that there are many factors that will appear Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: iraqi oil
Iraq separates its oil production to Khamin
Iraq separates its oil production to Khamin
25-04-2015 10:55 AM
Two sources familiar with the matter said on Friday that the Iraqi Oil Marketing Company (SOMO) informed its partners that they can start downloading Basrah heavy starting from the month of May, rather than the main light sweet crude.
The works of Iraq’s second-largest producer in OPEC on the separation of oil production from the south to Khamin – Light and heavy – to solve problems affecting the quality of exports. Reported Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: iraqi oil
Economic Analyst: Iraq is capable of conducting economic maneuver in the global market
Economic Analyst: Iraq is capable of conducting economic maneuver in the global market
18/04/2015 09:42
Economic analyst said Laith satisfaction, on Saturday, that Iraq has the opportunity to conduct an economic maneuver in the global market in light of the slight rise in oil prices.
Satisfaction in Nasrih for “channel direction,” said the important and essential to address the shortfall in Iraq’s revenues, especially since the past few months have seen oil production is the lack of access to export equipment that is expected to produce three million three hundred thousand barrels per day.
He satisfaction of being aware that this will give Iraq’s biggest economic room for maneuver in the global market Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: iraqi oil
Saleh warns of total dependence on oil and calls for diversification of the economy
Appearance Saleh warns of total dependence on oil and calls for diversification of the economy and other resources
04/15/2015 09:47 GMT
Agencies – prime minister for economic affairs adviser warned the appearance of Mohammed Saleh, of Iraq’s continued reliance on oil revenues, financial, stressing that the state treasury needs to diversify natural stomach to invest its resources.
Said Mohammed Salehfa a press statement, said that “Iraq has a large raw materials other than oil / sulfur, phosphates and some arable metals investment / indicating that exploit generates a state budget billions of dollars, but Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, iraqi oil
Economists answer: Is Iraq will announce bankruptcy at the end of 2015?
Economists answer: Is Iraq will announce bankruptcy at the end of 2015?
Posted, 12/04/2015
BAGHDAD / .. with the continuing decline in oil prices affected by a function both of supply and demand and the discovery of new oil fields may change the balance of power for the exporting countries and consuming countries alike, and the most important field was discovered in Britain stock 300 billion barrels of crude, loomed on the horizon signs of significant economic crisis threatening Iraq and the economy the region in general, prompting experts and specialists in this regard concerns.
He sees expert on behalf of Antoine, that Iraq is detracting from Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: Dollar, iraqi oil
Iranian nuclear deal cast a shadow on the Iraqi economy
Iranian nuclear deal cast a shadow on the Iraqi economy
Iraqi economists said that the recent agreement between Western countries and Iran on the nuclear issue and the lifting of economic sanctions on Iran, will impact negatively on Iraq, through lower market share of Iraqi oil and declining terms of trade between Iraq and Iran.
He says economist just peace, to the island, the market share of Iraqi oil will drop after the lifting of economic sanctions on Iran, especially since the two countries depend on the Asian market in the export of oil, adding that Iraqi oil would drop the price about $ ten or Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: iraqi oil
Deputy for the National confirms the existence of a political consensus to pass the oil and gas law (HCL)
Deputy for the National confirms the existence of a political consensus to pass the oil and gas law (HCL)
04/11/2015 ten twenty-eight
[Baghdad – where]
Deputy for the National Alliance, said the existence of political consensus between the political blocs to pass the oil and gas law.
And between Jabbar al-Abadi told all of Iraq [where] that “oil and gas from the important laws law but had previously introduced in the previous legislative session of the parliament did not get agreement on the approval,” adding that “in the current session of the House of Representatives, there will be a Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Parliamentary sources: the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil opens the door to approve oil and gas law (HCL)
Parliamentary sources: the agreement between Baghdad and Erbil opens the door to approve oil and gas law (HCL) expanded report
09/04/2015 09:37
BAGHDAD / Source News / .. political editor .. attribute many of the House of Representatives and experts in the field of oil the oil sector in Iraq has fallen to the absence of a law governing the relationship between the center and the producing provinces, which applies to the presence of obstacles tends to be an important cause of Maewagha country’s political and economic crises .
In this regard, says the citizen Bloc member Hassan Khalati that the general budget entirely dependent on oil imports must be to speed up the enactment of the oil and gas law, which ensures Read more…
Categories: IRAQI DINAR POLITICS & ECONOMY Tags: HCL, iraqi oil, oil and gas law
Economist: OPEC ended and no longer has a global impact or regional
Economist: OPEC ended and no longer has a global impact or regional
Date: 04/09/2015 18:28
Information / special / ..
said economist Dr. Mohammed Dargham, on Thursday, OPEC ended organization no longer has Taúar regional or global, pointing out that the United States is controlled by the moment.
He Dargham told / information /, “The OPEC no longer has its decisions have diminished its impact on the global oil market recently, “noting that” Read more…
Categories: UNCATEGORIZED Tags: iraqi oil