See .. NASA stumbled on Obama’s head on Mars and documented by video

See .. NASA stumbled on Obama’s head on Mars and documented by video

Posted, 04-12-2014 01:25 PM

See - NASA stumbled on Obama's head on Mars and documented by videoPhotographed by the spacecraft for NASA’s ‘Spirit’ of rock on the surface of Mars resembles the face of US President Barack Obama. and returning the captured image image by the space probe to 2005, specifically in the month of October (October) in one vehicle trips on the Red Planet, and found from among the thousands of captured images of rocks found on the planet for analysis. He attributed some space scientists that the link between the image and the US President to the phenomenon known as ‘Pareidolia’ They imagine pictures of animals in the clouds, or see the face of the man in the moon’s surface or hear the subtle sounds in recordings when run inversely, according to the Daily British miles. The newspaper reported that the area where the photo was taken Let located somewhere near the plains surrounding Balvohh volcanic ‘Gusev’ on Mars, a basin Old caused by a collision, an area of the state of Connecticut area has been chosen location landing spacecraft by NASA, which was sent to him many trips to discover whether there is life on the Red Planet.