Parliamentary law excludes passing the laws of the Federal Court and the budget during Monday’s session

Parliamentary law excludes passing the laws of the Federal Court and the budget during Monday’s session

11/3/2021 18:12

Parliamentary law excludes passing the laws of the Federal Court and the budget during Mondays session[Baghdad_Where]
The Parliamentary Legal Committee, on Thursday, excluded the passage of the budget laws and the Federal Court next Monday, indicating that most of the controversial paragraphs remained the same and most of the representatives in the provinces went to their provinces.
A member of the Legal Committee, Salim Hamza, said that “the laws of the Federal Court and the budget have been included to pass a session next Monday.”

He added that “the points of contention regarding them regarding the Islamic jurisprudence paragraph, the representation of the components of the court law and the region’s share in the budget, negotiations have not made any progress regarding them.”

Hamza clarified that “most of the governorate MPs went to their governorates to come to the session on Monday, and the disagreements did not make progress, which excludes the passage of the two laws at next Monday’s session.”