Parliament discusses the government’s decision to cancel the ration card next Monday

Discusses the House of Representatives in session next Monday the government’s decision to cancel the ration card and financial compensation amounts.

The head of the bloc Bahaa al-Araji in a statement read at a news conference in the House of Representatives today attended by the correspondent all of Iraq [where] that “the presidency of the House and agreed to the inclusion discuss government’s decision to cancel the ration card in session next Monday, adding that” the presidency of the Council and approved quickly and interactive to include the topic in the next session. “

The Cabinet decided at its last Tuesday to replace the ration card sums of money, starting from the beginning of next March 2013.

The decision sparked reactions opposition and rejecting him between circles official and popular, calling on the government to abandon him because he touches the lives of citizens living and to the detriment of a wide range of people, especially the poor from him, amid fears of exploitation of traders and their monopoly of the materials and food commodities, leading to rising prices and goods which add another burden on citizens.

The cleric Moqtada al-Sadr has apologized in a statement issued yesterday to the Iraqi people for the vote ministers belonging to the Liberal block of the stream for the cancellation of the ration card.

Religious authority objected yesterday to the government’s decision to cancel the ration card, demanding a re-consideration because of its importance in the lives of citizens.

The representative reference Abdel Mahdi al-Karbalai in a Friday sermon that was held in the courtyard Husseini cleanser that “there must be review of the decision to cancel the ration card because the reference object to it being detrimental to a lot of the Iraqi people, especially the poor and disadvantaged classes.”