Obama: Iran could develop a nuclear weapon within a year and we will use all options to prevent it
Obama: Iran could develop a nuclear weapon within a year and we will use all options to prevent it
Posted 15/03/2013 10:42 PM
Capitals – agencies
Favored by U.S. President Barack Obama that «Iran will develop a nuclear weapon within a year and more, repeating his determination to use ‘all options’ to prevent it.
In the meantime, Washington announced that Iranian fighter approached a U.S. reconnaissance plane «over international waters in the Gulf, but retreated after a verbal warning and face the commander of an American fighter.
A spokesman for the Department of Defense (Pentagon) that happened last Tuesday, during the «secret flight to unmanned reconnaissance aircraft of the model« mother Kyu – 1 Predator »,« a routine check over international waters in the Gulf.
He pointed out that Iranian fighter aircraft «F -4 approached to a distance of 25 km from the reconnaissance plane that accompanied then fighter Omirkatan not determines Tarazhma, but confirmed that three aircraft remained over international waters all the time.
The spokesman declared that «one of the planes of the Americas used thermally rockets to warn Iranian plane which then amended chase reconnaissance plane, but later corrected the statement, pointing out that the warning was ‘orally’.
The launch of Iranian fighter fire on a U.S. reconnaissance plane «not armed the same class, in November (November 2012), and develops, but did not. He pointed out that Washington had told Tehran after the incident that it «will continue flight operations control over international waters, as it gets a long time ago and in the framework of its commitment to the security of the region. He added that the United States also informed the Iranians that it «reserves the right to protect its military equipment and troops.
Furthermore, Obama predicted that «Iran will develop a nuclear weapon within a year and more, adding:« but we certainly do not want to let all of this time.
Obama, who is visiting Israel next week, said the second channel of the Israeli television he discusses the Iranian nuclear file with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and added: «my will be like the previous message: if we can settle the matter diplomatically, that would be the settlement of a longer-term, otherwise I will keep all options on the table ».
Asked if he would order an attack on Iran, if diplomacy failed, he replied: «when I say that all options are on the table, they are all on the table and the United States certainly huge capabilities. But our goal is to ensure that Iran does not possess a nuclear weapon able to threaten Israel, or launch an arms race in the region, would be dangerous in the form of an extraordinary, spoke of many issues here now.
On the other hand, reported the Iranian Student News Agency (ISNA) that the Shura Council (parliament) approved the transfer of the administrative capital of Tehran to Bernd, about 35 kilometers southwest of the capital.
It quoted Tehran governor Morteza urbanization that the ministries would be transferred to Bernd «soon», pointing out that the city characterized by the existence of a subway and airport and highways of the ministries.
The Iranian authorities are planning a long time ago to move the capital from Tehran, which suffered heavily polluted air, located in a seismic zone.
He has to be the biggest bone-headed VP in history. You know it’s bad when even Obama laughs at the stuff Biden says.
Didn’t Vice Pres Joe Biden say in the Vice Presidential debate with Paul Ryan that Iran was at least 3 years away from being able to produce a nuclear weapon? How convenient.