Mazhar Muhammad Salih: Delaying the 2025 budget schedules will have no impact on government spending.
Mazhar Muhammad Salih: Delaying the 2025 budget schedules will have no impact on government spending.
Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, the Prime Minister’s economic advisor, explained today, Saturday, the importance of the financial tables that will be sent to the House of Representatives regarding the necessary adjustments to the 2025 budget.
Saleh told Al Furat News Agency, “Despite its delay due to the amendment of some articles of the Federal General Budget Law No. 13 of 2023 last February, related to the region’s oil, there will be no significant impact on spending in the public finances.”
He pointed out that there are two “legal flexibilities” that contribute to regular spending: the legal provisions in effect in the general budget from 2023 to 2025, in addition to the Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019, as amended.
He added, “These two laws provide legal cover for spending, particularly in ongoing and approved investment projects, as there is no suspension of spending except in newly created operational areas and some limited spending areas.”