Kurdish MP: The region’s finance minister made a mistake by not separating millions and billions
Kurdish MP: The region’s finance minister made a mistake by not separating millions and billions
Kurdish MP for the Kurdistan Justice Party, Soran Omar, confirmed Sunday (December 15, 2024), that the Minister of Finance of the Kurdistan Regional Government made a mistake by not separating millions and billions when sending the salary book to Baghdad.
Omar said in an interview with Baghdad Today, “The Kurdistan Regional Government is responsible for not sending oil and non-oil revenues to Baghdad,” adding, “The regional government is still not ready to deposit salaries in federal government banks.”
He pointed out that “what Baghdad says, that the Kurdistan Regional Government’s budget was spent according to actual expenditures, contradicts the Federal Court’s decision.”
Economic expert Hevidar Shaaban revealed a serious administrative error that caused the delay in disbursing salaries to employees of the Kurdistan Region.
Shaaban said in an interview with Baghdad Sunday (December 15, 2024), that “the Kurdistan government needs 430 billion dinars to cover the deficit in employee salaries for the remaining three months of the current year, which are 10, 11, and 12.”
He added, “She sent a letter to the Federal Ministry of Finance, and instead of writing 430 billion in the request, she wrote 430 million, which made the Federal Minister of Finance, Taif Sami, return the letter and request that it be corrected. Immediately, the Ministry of Finance in the region corrected the letter and sent it to Baghdad.”
Shaaban pointed out that “this matter caused a delay in the disbursement of employees’ salaries, as the regional government is waiting to fill the deficit to begin disbursing October salaries.”