It can orbit the world for years … Learn about Russia’s new nuclear missile

It can orbit the world for years … Learn about Russia’s new nuclear missile

9/13/2020 17:29

It can orbit the world for years ... Learn about Russias new nuclear missileThe head of British Defense Intelligence revealed, on Sunday, that Russia is developing a nuclear-powered missile that can fly around the Earth’s atmosphere for successive years and is equipped to strike at any moment.
Explaining the threat to Britain, based on a security and defense review of the government, General Jim Hockenhole said that Russia “risks the limits of science and international treaties” in its plans to develop new weapons.
“Moscow is testing a subsonic nuclear-powered cruise missile system, which has a global range, and will enable attacks from unexpected directions,” the head of Defense Intelligence said, according to the British newspaper The Telegraph.
Depending on its nuclear power source, the new Russian missile has an open time to fly over the target before hitting it, unlike other missiles that have a specific time to fly over the target before hitting it.
According to the Telegraph, General Hockenhall is referring to the new Russian “9M730 Borovestink” missile.
It is believed that an explosion in August last year, at the military base in Nyonoksa, northwestern Russia, was caused by the failure of the “9M730 Borovestink” missile.
The accident caused a sharp 30-minute rise in radiation levels in nearby Severodvinsk, killing 7 people.
The intelligence chief also highlighted the Russian investment in submarines and deep ocean capabilities such as “an unmanned underwater vehicle capable of delivering a nuclear payload to coastal targets or even carrier groups at sea” and the ability to threaten submarine cables.
“These capabilities of the Russians put the civilian and military infrastructure of the United Kingdom and its allies at risk of direct attack with conventional explosives and nuclear weapons, which limits options or increases the risks in times of crisis,” said General Hockenhole.
A long-range cruise missile and deep submarines to eavesdrop or cut undersea Internet cables are examples of how a small amount of highly sophisticated capabilities can restrict Western options during a period of deteriorating relations with the Kremlin.