Iraq’s fifth Arab gold reserves

Iraq’s fifth Arab gold reserves

2017/4/18 13:20

Iraqs fifth Arab gold reserves[Oan- follow – up]
World Gold Council announced that the world ‘s gold reserves rose to April, indicating that Iraq maintained the Arab fifth of the world ‘s reserves rank.
The Council stated in statistics published on its website that the world ‘s gold reserves rose for the month of April by 70 tonnes for the month of last March to reach 33 thousand and 329 tons, while the United States ranked first globally in terms of these reserves , which amounted to 8.133.5 tons, followed by Germany with 3.377 tons.
The Council added that Iraq , which was ranked fifth Arab maintained the 37th place worldwide out of 100 countries listed in the international financial statistics for global reserves of gold during the month of April of this year , 2017.
The Council noted that Iraq ‘s gold reserves remained constant as recorded 89.8 tonnes , a representing 7.9 of the rest of the other currencies , “noting that” the last purchase of Iraq gold was in the month of April in 2014 where 15.16 tons bought. ”
the Central Bank of Iraq decided in January 23 2014 seek a variety of alloys of pure gold ranging weights between [ 50 g and 1000 g] to sell to gold traders, investors and evil H society wishing to do so in Iraqi dinars.