Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-30-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 7-30-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions7-30-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Sudani did say the Dinar will be stronger than the dollar. There is a lot of talk about the dinar –on the streets and everywhere. It’s all about the exchange rate. This is definitely a big topic…even on the streets.1132 is not going to help them…To me…they are keeping this correction hush, hush…we saw the Arabic side of the budget was published and read by people at 1.3. A Forbes article said 1.3 and they have been keeping it tight.

7-30-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man I do not think this 1310 or 1.3 means $1.30 cents. I think it’s a reciprocal of 1 to 1 and that would be about .77 cents …like dropping the 3 zeros…Then once they apply the REER (Real Effective Exchange Rate) the game is going to change. Their purchasing power is going to change. Their projects in the budget are going to be funded.

7-30-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “The US ambassador in Baghdad announces the success of her mediation between the Iraqi Central Bank and the US Treasury” Quote: “The US Ambassador to Iraq, Alina Romansky, announced that the US Treasury will not impose sanctions on Iraqi banks due to money laundering fears. ‘Yesterday, I participated in a call between the Treasury Department and the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) about the recent US measures to restrict 14 Iraqi banks from dollar services after money laundering concerns…CBI took appropriate and prompt measures. No sanctions were imposed on any Iraqi banks.’

7-29-2023 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “The Federal Court is considering articles of the federal general budget contested by the government” You have no idea how critical this step was of appealing the budget. This is the most critical step regarding the rate change…

7-29-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 The key to…the new exchange rate lies in the HCL that is in the budget. The HCL is just but one of the line items. The new exchange rate is another one of the line items in the budget. That’s why I feel that when they bust open this budget it will be like busting open a piñata. There’s gonna be candy flying everywhere, for everyone…

7-29-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article quote: “The government will implement reform to strengthen the anti-money laundering combating the financing of terrorism that will contribute to improve the integration of the domestic Financial system into the global economy.” …All of this is going to bring them to the day when they float the dinar and stop the daily currency auctions. That’s what we’re waiting for.

7-29-2023 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “Iraqis banned from dealing in US dollars” If it is against the law for citizens to use U.S. dollars for any transaction then why is the Central Bank selling the US dollar at the currency window? To pay for credit card transactions and invoices that must be paid in USD.

7-29-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] out of Vietnam “Vietnam aims to annually exploit 2MN tonnes of rare earths” this points out how strategic the area is and its value. Vietnam is a powerhouse of manufacturing and technology. They have large amounts of iron ore and untapped energy reserves. They have sizable deposits or rare earth minerals…this will help back the value of their currency in the new commodity based world soon.

7-29-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article: “A Representative of The State Law: government measures against the dollar will soon raise the value of the Iraqi dinar” That’s in the news…I don’t make it up. This is not a sham. It’s what they’re telling me.

7-29-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 As much as we want to blame Sudani…Alaq, you can’t. There’s really no one to blame. The monetary reform is actually moving forward and marching in the right direction. Now, it may be moving at the pace of a sloth. It may be moving at the pace of quicksand. It may be moving at the pace of a snail. But it’s moving in the right direction. Even the turtle won the race…

7-29-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East A very good article this morning came out talking about the history of dinar of 2003…it gave me some hope. That means they still talking about and thinking about the good day. They want to go back to those good days. They want to be involved in the world…

7-29-2023 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] we have seen where Iraq the Iraqi dinar has been trading up and up and up. Very very pleased with where the rate is showing on our front banks screens – the dinar and I’d say last several days, the Vietnamese Dong is also trading up into a decent range.

7-29-2023 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Parliamentary finance sets the date for the entry into force of the budget provisions” They’re saying the budget will be implemented in the next few days. I will disagree with this article and say it can’t, because right now is not the correct period of time for the budget to be able or eligible to be implemented. More time is needed for the budget. The Article says next few days, I’m going to dispute it IMO say nope, nothing will happen this week or next week with the budget.


7-29-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Am I going to…give you what I heard from the CBI myself this week. Nope!…Until I see stronger evidence of a move by the CBI and not just words I will keep it to myself. But I will say this – they told me it is soon not years away!