Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-18-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-18-2021 Intel Guru Holly Everyone has been saying that the RV is set to release this week. Everyone. …We have been all poised and ready for the notifications to come out. I know the only thing we have been waiting on is the value given to the currencies. That should have been completed yesterday. Let’s see what news comes out today.

6-18-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Vietnam: Moody’s raises HDBanks’ credit rating outlook from stable to positive” Taken off currency manipulation list and now credit rating increase…

6-18-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Lot’s of good news. The agreement was met [Between Baghdad and Kurdistan]. It’s made, let’s make sure their payments get there. International coalitions handed over a million dollars worth of weapons. This is great news. The dinar is gaining on the US dollar as far as its value is concerned. Great news. Japan is loaning out money for the Basra refinery to be done instead of China – that is great news. It’s all looking good. All of these things are tied into what’s going on over in Iraq as far as our currency is concerned. This is good news.

6-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Looks good you guys. We want outside investors in there. We see the Iraq dinar gaining against the dollar again. We see other countries eager to come in and invest. We see that things seem to have quieted down. They’re very stable. These are all good positive news. That’s what we wanted and that’s what we got…

6-17-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Petra The Finance Minister said, “the ministries is continuing to open up to the world to conclude the best relations. To open a new horizon of cooperation. To restore its rightful place among the nations of the world. It’s continuing with global openness and concluding investor relations.” Concluding. That’s past tense. Finishing out. Whatever work they’re doing internationally they’re finishing up… essentially they’re making a declaration that they’re doing business, they’re opening up, they want to be recognized as a sovereign country (which the G7 just did) and now they’re saying they’re opening up for business. It’s a very very clear statement…

6-17-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I don’t usually do rates…I try to stay away from it – I will say this – If I told you what I knew the rates were – the ones that were on the screen – you would probably wouldn’t believe me anyway…we’re going to be fine – rates are the least of your worries…

6-17-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We appear to be caught in a groundhog day today…lots of paymasters in place…lots of bankers in place…there is nothing negative… All the folks are still in place and redemption center folks are planning on being on call over the weekend…Last weekend they were not on call…so imo we are in a better spot now then we were then. I am hearing a lot of static/chatter from my Iraq and middle east contacts. This has drug out longer than they expected. They had expected things to already have rolled out there this week…they are pushing hard…I believe we are on top of this and awfully close.

6-17-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “A national campaign to support the Iraqi dinar.” Yes indeed a new rate of 1 to 1 that they have been campaigning and talking about at the CBI is coming…pay close attention to the word that the governor of the CBI is using with citizens…he told you yesterday ‘a campaign of education is now starting’ and once again are those not my exact words…?

6-17-2021 Intel Guru Holly There has been great expectations for the RV to begin today. The day is young and we have to see if the final release did happen overnight. Just know we are in the end days as this is coming to a close. This can not go on much longer. All is being readied and prepared…We can clearly see the progress being made…

6-17-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy Article: “After Barzani’s announcement, a government source clarifies how to pay regions share of the budget” That’s right. They finally came up with an agreement. It only took 13 years, 6 months, 27 hours, 72 minutes and 84 seconds to do this…they agreed to retro it all the way back to January. That makes sense…Here’s the thing that’s weird about this. They’ve done this before. Not that I’m trying to throw salt on this. This is good news. I like it. But last time they agreed on something, some of the political blocks got in the way. Let’s hope that doesn’t happen…I’m glad. They finally ironed out their differences and it looks like an agreement is there. Let’s keep our fingers crossed. We’ll know if it’s real when Kurdistan says they received their money and all is well over in dinar land…