Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-14-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 6-14-2023

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-14-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “International Monetary comments on Iraq’s budget and re-warns of “inflation” in the currency”. INFLATION IN THE CURRENCY! SOLUTION; NEW EXCHANGE RATE!

6-14-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …what took place these last 4-5 days culminating in completing the passing of the budget, getting it ratified and in the gazette…is important not because the RV rate is in it because it will NEVER be in the budget…The rate used in the budget is $IQD 1300 per 1 $USD certainly not the rate we are looking for…this rate is NOT important and this rate is “flexible”. I assure you that the reinstatement if [is?] going to happen and is just around the bend…I am still under the timing of quite possibly going to the bank sometime this week. I would be VERY surprised if we don’t. But remember if we don’t, it will still be VERY soon.

6-14-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ The delete the zeroes…getting rid of the zeroes means increasing the value…putting out lover denom bills…it does not mean taking a 25,000 note and making it a 25 note…

6-13-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni There are several articles that have been released from the prime minister’s office over the last few weeks stating passing the tripartite budget will put Iraq on the verge of a major reconstruction movement in all sectors.

6-13-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 You have never seen your reforms this far advanced. You’ve never seen JP Morgan, that was spitting in our faces, now telling us that they’re going to support the Iraqi dinar on an international market level…

6-13-2023 Guru Nader From The Mid East With it’s approval, the budget now awaits the signature of the President of Iraq after which it will be sent to the Gazette to be enacted into law…

6-13-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Pretty Quiet on the RV front. We are still hearing great things out of Iraq.

6-13-2023 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “International Monetary comments on Iraq’s budget and re-warns of inflation in the currency” Quote: “international monetary concern is due to fears that large government spending will lead to”inflation” in the Iraqi currency, which in turn leads to a spiral of economic deterioration affecting the future of the country”

6-13-2023 Newshound Guru Pimpy Oh yeah! It’s done. Finally. A 3 year budget has finally passed the House of Representatives. Is this a good thing? Is this a bad thing? It really depends on the government that’s in place. Now we’re going to see Maliki and his people’s true colors come out. The budget has been passed. They don’t have to kiss anybody’s butt. The money has been allocated. This is definitely going to be interesting and this is what I’ve been waiting for. Let’s see this government’s true colors.

6-13-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …we are in a “vital” period since the three-year budget has been passed on Sunday June 11th. On Tuesday it was announced that the approved budget would [go?] to the president to be ratified. So now we sit and wait. Literally, anything could now happen and is going to happen very quick from this point. In fact, this week could be pivotal.

6-13-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 What’s the first line item in the budget IMO? The exchange rate. They changed the rate…it was 1320…what is it now? 1300. Remember what I suggested? …1200 to 1. Firefly’s bank friend thinks it’s going to get to 1000…I missed it by 100…that’s huge. That’s exactly what we told you was going to happen. It’s positioning itself to expose the full monty…they’re soon to show you everything.

6-13-2023 Newshound Guru Kaperoni I want to remind everyone despite the fact that Iraq past a 3-year budget yesterday, Iraq still has a lot of work to do. Parliament needs to pass several laws to encourage and support investment.

6-13-2023 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Al-Hakim: Urges the House of Representatives to proceed with the entitlements that follow, such as the oil and gas law and other laws that have direct contact with the lives of citizens.”

6-13-2023 Newshound Guru Paulette Finally! I have waited nearly 14 years to see what just happened…Stage is set. Bring on the Oil and Gas Law NOW!! The underlying basis is established by the Tripartite Budget…The arguments and fight should be over…

6-13-2023 Newshound Guru Militia Man The 2023, 2024, 2025 budget having been very contentious took about 4 days to finish the reading and getting it done…but they were successful…it was about 5 in the wee hours of the morning they finished it and hammered it out. What they’re going to do now from that point on is they’re looking to proceed with the entitlements that follow the budget which is the oil and gas law.

6-13-2023 Intel Guru Frank26 Apparently they are done with the budget. It’s a tripartite budget…It’s not just for one year, it’s for 3 years. That’s amazing. I don’t think Iraq has ever seen a budget, I mean truly truly seen a budget open, disclosed and shown to the world, to the citizens in probably 50 years…has it been shown to the world? No. But it’s going to be.

6-13-2023 Newshound/Intel Guru RVAlready Iraq got a lot done. They have a modern budget. They have a POS system. Their markets are internationally linked. They are less dependent on paper money. They are ready for new projects. It took quite a while, but all that is done…Don’t forget, the CBI can release the rate today.

6-13-2023 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] “Monday Briefing: Iraq passes a massive controversial budget bill” It is massive. They have the dollars for it and it requires oil stays at about $70 a barrel. They have the mechanism in it to change the value if their currency.