Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-3-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-3-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions6-3-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 The CBI website was down about 12:15 EST [yesterday]. Normally I don’t even talk about it/consider it. But because of so many things that are IMO coming together concerning the monetary and economic reform of the Iraqi dinar I find it very positive for our study. The CBI server you can find it in Texas here in the United States of America. There was nothing wrong with the server in Texas. So why would the CBI shut down their website? I don’t think they’re testing anything…I believe there are many things that are being implemented right now inside the CBI because of the movement of the exchange rate…

6-3-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ Contract rates…there was a program called “Oil for dinar” for the countries who came in and helped liberate Iraq from Saddam Hussein. These countries are allowed to purchase oil at a very discounted level…this allows the country of Iraq to pay over time but it also allows these countries who hold dinar in their treasuries to get the discount…China did not participate in the action so their way of getting the discount is to buy dinar from you and I and individuals…they can offer you and I a higher rate because the dinar they buy from us gets them much cheaper oil from Iraq. They can pay us 2 or 3 times higher then what the street rate is and it gets them dirt cheap oil…So China wants our dinar and that is where the contract rate comes in….

6-3-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling A lot of people think Iraq has been dragging their feet. They haven’t. They’ve been doing everything they can to add value to the currency but it’s tough when their main source of income is in U.S. dollars…if you look at the countries around Iraq – Saudi Arabia 27 cents. Turkey 11 cents. Iran it’s actually less than the dinar. Egypt it’s 6 cents. Qatar it’s 27 cents. Kuwait it’s $3.32. Oman is $2.60. How is Iraq, the second biggest oil producer in the region…a tenth of a penny?

6-2-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling Question: [Do you have any idea of timing (of dinar RV)?] Iraq is in that zone right now. Iraq is doing everything they can to get the way they technically handle their currency from the bank all the way down to the citizen…they are very very motivated to add value to their currency. They want it more than anybody. They want to get from under the dollar and they want to participate, not what’s going to happen in the future, right now…they need to add value to their currency…it’s coming…all the confidence in the world.

6-2-2021 Intel Guru BobTheTaxMan Taxes are always going to be there. There’s no way around it period. 47% taxes on windfall gains…let me tell you, that number is changing. It’s going to get higher particularly into the new current administration because you can expect some major tax reforms…I want you to understand…where our taxes are going under this current administration…not saying condemnation against them…pendulum swings both ways. At the moment it’s swinging this way…with these anticipated changes for the future you really need to take the time to re-look at what your plan was…

6-2-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] …the thinking is we…are looking really good and the wording I was given from a bank manager today was “Be ready for any moment now” Be ready…I think we are in good shape for something to occur with notifications over the next couple of days…The rates are very good…

6-2-2021 Newshound Guru Pimpy They can fuss all they want about the rate. I don’t think their rate can stay the same for what they say, 3 to 5 years. It’s not going to stay that long…if…they keep having a surplus and oil prices continue to rise I don’t think it’s going to take that long for them to really start to recover. The money is being used for all the right purposes at the moment…

6-2-2021 Intel Guru Footforward I’m getting more reports of banks telling people they aren’t selling dong anymore…why is that happening now? …it’s clear something is up in the US, and I’ve been told by more then one person that I trust that currency flow out of Vietnam at this moment is being restricted. …the pattern in Vietnam has changed. When patterns change, there is a reason…

6-2-2021 Intel Guru Holly I am still asked to be quiet. Things are happening and we are in the window for this week. All the news I am hearing is very good and positive. We are there, let’s let it unfold.

6-2-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Article: “Al-Kazemi: Iraq is on the path to economic reform” They’re on the path for economic reform but they’re not able to implement economic reform…Why can’t they bring the reforms forward? What are they waiting on? What do they need? Again, the reforms themselves are waiting on the rate change.

6-2-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] We are hearing that yesterday they attempted to launch the new banking system …We were told that the sheer number of transaction that had been waiting on it over loaded it…and that they are going to attempt again today in the next couple of hours…i hope this is accurate… We have seen some rates on screens for the dinar again…starting to show on bank screens …I find that interesting.