Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-23-2021
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 5-23-2021
5-23-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [YEARS AGO…FOLKS WARNED ABOUT USING THE WRONG TERM WHEN “EXCHANGING” TO AVOID TAXES…STILL TRUE?] I am being told no…that we will not be popped based on our terminology…that the taxes are now covered in a treaty but years ago they were not. Before we could not use the word “invest” or we would get taxed more than if we used the terms exchange or redeem…my banking sources now do not believe that to be accurate…but hey…it doesn’t hurt.
5-22-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan …According to a central bank statement, “The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb, held a meeting with the World Gold Council at their request,”…Looks like things have been achieved… Increase in foreign reserves… After implementing recent reforms… Technical support and training.. That reeks of USA helping out!! Just like they said they would!! …This week suggests that the UST and major players are all on a level playing field…We will know when the playing field kicks off… Digital is instantaneous.. all boats rise with the tide.. SDR is over $1.44 today…I have always maintained the longer it takes the more money we make…SDR tide is rising…just wait until the IQD is placed internationally!
5-22-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat The QFS is running the rates and updating them once again. This does not mean an RV is imminent. …This occurs frequently as they are setting this up for the global reset change. We can probably expect the rates to go up. Remember, however that we can not yet exchange at these rates and so they are nothing more than curiosity. Iraq is still under OFAC sanctions and is not yet trading on FOREX.
5-22-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan In my view, there is nothing to suggest that we have to wait for elections. We wait just as the world does wait for the mechanism to be exposed…The CB [CBI] will be giving special low prices for the dollar. In other words a rate change is coming…
5-22-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 I’ve always said from day one…you’re not going to get the economic reform until you get the monetary reform…
5-22-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [ I heard the RV cannot happen on weekends?] It could happen anytime, anyday…It used to be set up to happen on a Saturday Night…then possibly Tues-thru Thurs…now I am told it could happen at anytime – anyday of the week.
5-22-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Article: “The Dutch Disease and Iraq’s Foreign Exchange Rate” Quote: “Had the dinar exchange rate been determined…the rate would have been much higher because of international demand for its oil.” This article tells us/me…they can and could support an exchange rate for our benefit and one that would benefit the citizens and bring purchasing power! Quote: “therefore, it’s high time now to adopt a flexible exchange rate…” All the things we are seeing now points to the digital transformation and going to a less cash society with purchasing power is coming to Iraq…