Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-31-2022
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-31-2022
3-31-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “ALI ABDUL-AMIR ALLAWI, CONFIRMED, ON SATURDAY, MARCH 26, 2022, THAT THE WHITE PAPER RESTORED BALANCE TO THE IRAQI ECONOMY” yes, yes, yes, this is exactly the talk we need to hear from the finance minister at this time. It is the White Paper along with pressure from all sides that is going to get us the reinstatement of the dinar back on Forex.
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Kaperoni The only logical and plausible way that the Iraqi dinar could go up in value would be gradually over time so that the money supply could be reduced simultaneously. A currency’s value is never random it is based on a country’s wealth and GDP…Iraq’s own economists have declared that Iraq’s entire net worth including all minerals in the ground (including oil) is only around $16 trillion dollars. Currently, Iraq has over 100 trillion dinar in circulation…The dinar appreciation has been discussed many times in Iraq including in the IMF’s Article IV Consultation of 2012. The imf’s specifically talked about allowing the dinar to gradually appreciate over time…
3-31-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “Disclosure of the deadline for deciding the position of the President of the Republic” Quote: “The deadline for voting on the President of the Republic legally is the sixth of next April…in the event that Parliament fails to resolve the position…the only legal option is to implement the article 61 First of the Constitution …Article 61 includes two parts… The first is that the House of Representatives dissolves itself at a request submitted by two-thirds of its members…which is an unlikely option…
3-30-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ Lets talk about the RV. There has been some positive and exciting things happen today…everything may be over real soon. I know you agree that we can’t take any more can kicking and want it done now…may take a week or two before you or I get to go to the banks…I am so excited and really hope we don’t get deflated this time….I really hope I get more incredible news overnight and can’t sleep again…I’m ok with that…
3-30-2022 Newshound Guru Pimpy This is good news. Article: “A rise in Iraq’s oil exports to America in a week” The number of barrels of oil that they’re sending to the United States has increased which brings more revenue into Iraq. As long as it’s being spent wisely we should be happy about that…
3-30-2022 Intel Guru Bruce …we are still looking for something this week…we are looking at maybe towards the end of the week – If we look at the calendar – we see that Friday is April 1st…Now – we don’t know exactly when we will get notified but it’s quite possible we would receive that Friday and it’s also possible that we could start our exchanges Friday or Saturday – very conceivable…I don’t know whether or not that is the exact plan but we know the physical schedules have been handed out at the redemption centers…So I think it looks like that should be on Friday the 1st…It could be a very interesting weekend for us…
3-30-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Overnight my phone lit up…from many, many sources…that there was a lot of very successful money movement on the QFS. Testing in the Asian markets…they were moving very large chunks. This has been a problem in the past…transferring funds from our older legacy bank systems with older technologies to the QFS. I am being told money transfers were exceptionally successful last night. …My bankers are extremely excited about the news coming out… They think this is very, very close. Very successful movements of large blocks of money on the new system. I think this is fantastic. This means they can pull the trigger or flip the switch at any moment now after these successful tests…that is what I am being told.
3-30-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Article: “Venezuela’s risky currency stabilization to tackle inflation” Venezuela’s currency is up in value. Can the IQD follow? …the new Bolivar has against all odds managed to stabilize the economy…We know Iraq has over printed its currency…We know that if Iraq decides to do what Venezuela has done and issues a new currency many of us will or might be in trouble with our investment unless we are willing or even allowed to travel to the Middle East to exchange our old Iraqi dinars for the new Iraqi currency.
3-30-2022 Newshound Guru Sandy Ingram Even then the fact that Iraq has overprinted the money may spell trouble for the old currency to the new currency exchange. It would depend on how many people, companies and countries show up for the exchange or even if we are allowed to make the exchange. This is all based on what if Iraq does what Venezuela has done. Iraq would have control over the new currency and it would be in control of their own creation…
3-30-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Some folks…are very worried about news out of Iraq. The election to choose the new president has been moved to April 3rd to the 6th now… But, I would like to again point out that they let us know on Monday that they can still move forward with committees, and Saturday they sat the finance committee. I was reassured again that since the finance committee was seated…the banking side and CBI are squared away and they do not need the rest of the Government to RV. If they do not seat a new government by the 6th …the existing government just takes over again.
3-30-2022 Newshound Guru butterfly Only 152 lawmakers showed up for the latest vote…For the third time, Iraqi parliament fails to elect a new president.
3-30-2022 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Status of the RV…has not changed. The central bank of Iraq (CBI) still intends to conduct the project to delete the zeros as soon as there is stability in the government…Remember the project to delete the zeros is the next step. The needed financial reforms are complete except for some much needed laws to better control the independent banks operating in Iraq…I assure you just have faith and hang in since it is coming!
3-30-2022 Newshound Guru Samson Article: “The Iraqi parliament fails for the third time to hold a session to elect the president of the republic”
3-30-2022 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …if Iraq goes with the NEER (Nominal Effective Exchange Rate)…the rate will float. Right now we are hearing if Iraq does go with the NEER the rate will be about $1.60. This can be used if Iraq gets tired of waiting for the GCR… They want the full amount of over $3.22 but may settle for the lower NEER rate to float if they have to.