Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-1-2025

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 3-1-2025

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions3-1-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 The tables for the new budget are ready to be exposed because the new exchange rate in those tables is ready to be revealed…You got the CBI holding classes for their banks and employees to learn how to exchange the proper way, the proper procedure on how to do the exchanging of foreign currency in the banking structure through your banks of the CBI…This is going to be a brand new currency, a brand new rate and all that new information has to be distributed equally and fairly so you do not have a mass confusion. That state would destroy this whole monetary reform process…

BANK TO GRADUALLY REPLACE PAPER CURRENCY” I have to say this is a “WOW!” article because this effort may also force the recall of our dinars that we hold. In other words we are allowed to exchange them at the RV rate once the digital currency is issued. If the CBI can pull this off, the RV might happen much, much sooner than we expect.

3-1-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Article: “In the coming hours –Iraq begins to resume oil exports in the Kurdistan region” The testing and checking of the pipeline went better than they expected. They are hoping to be started this weekend. Starting at 185 thousand barrels a day and then ramp up…this is a huge income increase for Iraq.

2-28-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “Iraqi government bank warns against trading in digital currencies and forex activity” Quote: “The Central Bank of Iraq issued a ban on cryptocurrencies in 2017, citing risks such as financial crime, volatility, and consumer protection concerns.”

2-28-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 These last 20 years…the flow of oil…was paid in American dollars…now the oil that’s flowing is being paid in Iraqi dinars…

2-28-2025 Newshound Guru Kaperoni Article: “Memoranda of Understanding Lead Iraq to Build Economic Partnerships with Countries of the World”

2-28-2025 Newshound Guru Militia Man Article quote: “Trade culture economic exchange with neighboring sisterly and friendly countries is the most important element in building civilization and raising the value of natural resources.” …If they raise the value of their currency to their assets…That’s huge. The valuation of that is going to be key…In other words what they’re
going to do is raise the value of their dinar because that’s what they’re going to be doing trade in…In my view they’re not going to be doing this at 1310 exchange rate. I don’t believe that at all…To me it means raising the value of their currency…

2-28-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “After calling for cutting funding to Baghdad, US representative: Let’s make Iraq great again” Quote: “US Republican Representative Joe Wilson called for “making Iraq great again” and stopping Iran’s control over it, after his previous calls to stop funding Iraq, according to the American Fox News channel”

2-28-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ [via PDK] …one Wealth management/redemption center contact told me they will be working both days this weekend. I don’t know what this means or what they will be doing…but they are working a full day on Saturday and a half a day on Sunday.

2-28-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Confirming Shafaq News.. Trump is heading to impose sanctions on Iraqi groups” Notice that you didn’t say Iraqi banks no no no. Is he going to put sanctions on Iraqi government? No. No. No. Is he going to put sanctions on the CBI? No. No. no. Who’s he putting sanctions on? Iraqi groups, Framework…Maliki’s militia…Iranian politicians in parliament…

2-28-2025 Intel Guru Bruce …we had at least two very strong sources that were telling us that don’t worry, this is going to be the week that we receive our notifications. And even though we only have two days left, Friday and Saturday this week, I think it’s quite possible that we still will get notified and set an appointment this week… I know…that one of our Redemption Center staff members is working tomorrow morning [Friday] at Wells Fargo Bank and then goes after lunch into the Redemption Center…Friday… it looks good for us to get notified and set our appointments for exchanges that would start on Saturday, the 1st of March…that is quite possible.

2-28-2025 Newshound Guru Samson Article 1: “Parliamentary Finance: Digital transformation in banks is progressing at an accelerating pace” Article 2: “The digital currency to be launched in Iraq.. between economic opportunities and potential risks”

2-28-2025 Newshound Guru Clare Article: “urgent Oil Minister: Exporting the region’s oil will begin within hours via the Turkish Ceyhan” Quote: “Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil Hayan Abdul Ghani announced the imminent start of exporting oil from the Kurdistan Region….He explained that exports will be at an initial rate of 185 thousand barrels, gradually increasing to reach the capacity specified in the general federal budget.”

2-28-2025 Intel Guru Frank26 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] FIREFLY:
We are seriously linked to the world. We knew that already but I never heard it come from Alaq. He’s saying it on TV now. FRANK: You are right. Brother I have never seen Alaq tell you you are international. And look at the timing. He’s been put away for about 10 days and now Sudani sends him out he tells you you are intentional? Not at 1310…To hear it from the source of where the funds will be coming IMO is rather crucial. It’s crucial to hear this from the CBI directly…

2-28-2025 Intel/Newshound Guru MarkZ “Iraq and Switzerland sign double taxation agreement to enhance economic cooperation” This is very interesting…They are really going international in actions as well as words. Many contracts being signed with many countries the last few weeks…huge progress for Iraq.