Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-5-20
Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-5-20
2-5-2020 Intel Guru Frank26 …I believe a couple months ago Donald Trump invited MTA [PM Allawi]…MTA and Donald Trump talked about the monetary reform. And apparently when this guy came to Washington D.C. he gave a complete pre-interview to many business owners of Iraq…this happened 4 or 5 months ago…When he came to see Donald Trump I believe he passed Donald Trump’s litmus test…He was being interviewed to be Prime Minister IMO…Donald Trump is a business genius mastermind…This was prepared way in advance in silence…All that MTA is saying right now in Iraq has been talked and discussed thoroughly by Trump and MTA many months ago…IMO Trump has a vision for Iraq…
2-5-2020 Newshound Guru Kaperoni …guru Frank26…thinks some big RV/RI is going to happen and people are going to exchange their dinar at banks…It could take years for banks to ever include the dinar in there currency exchange portfolio because of it’s volatility. Most banks by nature are very conservative so I wouldn’t expect banks to jump in right away and add the dinar to their portfolio of exchangeable currencies. But even so, that is assuming there was some significant overnight event to raise the value of the dinar. Which won’t happen…There is no overnight event call it whatever you want. Most of the same reasons still apply…there is over 42 trillion dinar in circulation and Iraq never could afford any significant RV. Plus, if they ever did it would throw the whole economic system in Iraq into total chaos. Just not how economies and monetary policy work. The whole idea of an overnight significant RV is a fallacy. If the dinar is ever going to go up in value it’s going to go up gradually over time via a float…
2-5-2020 Newshound Guru Vital Brad …looks like so far the little time Allawi has been in he’s getting things done which is good. We want to set the government for this revaluation to take place. We want Iraq as stable as absolute possible…
2-5-2020 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I want to remind everybody that we do feel like we are very, very close to this going…What we are seeing is we had an opportunity to go either today or tomorrow (Wed)…emphasis on …(Wed)…all I can tell you is the redemption staff will be in tomorrow [Wednesday]… I think they are going to be prepared for a late morning start for setting appointments for us…Rates are continuing to climb as the Dinar did come back up on the screen – we heard that from our Forex contact… There’s not a whole lot to tell when you’re at the end of the ride – that’s pretty much where we are…everything is stationed – and ready to go…
2-4-2020 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan Well it has been awhile since we have heard about the Iraq Stock Exchange. An look at what they are talking about. They are talking about a “MECHANISM FOR INCREASING THE RETURN ON BANK SHARES”! To increase banks share with a mechanism, at this stage is a change in value in what mechanism they use in the market place. If they are to interlink like we have heard in the past to the NASDAQ then the mechanism to be used is going to have to be a fairly large one to get the return they are looking for. Imo. A return is a profit…IMO. This bodes well for us…imo.
2-4-2020 Newshound Guru Chattels We will know better what we have or are dealing with better when we can see the names of the new cabinet nominees I hope. It occurs to me that Allawi is going to have to distance himself from even the appearance of impropriety of “connectedness” to political faction to have any chance of obtaining some approval from the protesters.
2-4-2020 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “UNCONFIRMED: MUHAMMED TAWFIQ ALAWI REFUSED BY IRAQ PROTESTORS but is accepted by the normal citizen.” …this news is unconfirmed but I think this is more of the Iranian protestors than the average Iraqi citizen. They are giving Allawi a bad rap even before they know of his policies. Let’s just watch and see what he does. We need him to push the CBI and support the “project to delete the zeros”. The support will come from the Finance committee of the cabinet. They will have to send a referendum to parliament for a vote. This will be our sign they are going to move ahead for sure. At least this is what I am not told by my CBI contact in Baghdad.
2-4-2020 Intel Guru MarkZ I am being told they are testing the digital aspect of our currency…the initial tests were done over the last 4 days or so…testing again today and tomorrow…we are very close. I am still told the currencies we have are all in one basket.