Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-27-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions 2-27-2021

Iraqi Dinar Guru opinions-predictions2-27-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Iraq has pretty much at this time stopped the in-country currency auctions of auctioning off the US dollar. At this time they’re only auctioning off the US dollar abroad – outside the country of Iraq. They’ve been doing this for about the last 2 weeks. So at this point the in-country auctions have ceased and ended. This is great for us. This is more confirmation we’re inching up on the rate change.

2-27-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] [If all currencies are eventually going to parity at 1 to 1…why would I exchange dong for .47cents?] I wouldn’t…I still hear that is the street rate to suck the currency off the street and we will be offered a contract rate of around $2..

2-26-2021 Newshound Guru MilitiaMan They will not be going into a market economy with a devalued currency at 1460… The new exchange rate will need to be applied… One that is the strongest in the region will do it… imo… Setting a new exchange rate is exactly right. It is part of the plan! Has been for years, and it is sure welcomed now…

2-26-2021 Intel Guru Bruce [via WiserNow] I have been told this weekend – Friday – Saturday – Sunday – is going to be an AMAZING Revelatory weekend – Things are really popping…We could get notified – Initially I was told we would be notified Monday and start Tuesday – that may still hold up – however – recent news indicates we might get notified and that means with email notification and 800 numbers could be sooner than that… this looks like we are almost “there” for “GO” time…we know the redemption center staff is readied – with regular schedules for tomorrow – and we are at the point where everything is connected now – and I think everything can move forward…

2-26-2021 Intel Guru Frank26 Article: “Al-Rafidain Bank leaves the seventh Item.” What is the 7th item? Chapter 7 of the UN security council. What is it? Handcuffs on their currency…can you say free as a bird? Can you say Iraq is about to legally raise the value of their currency under the IMF/World Bank regulations so they can attend to their obligations not only internally but externally internationally? Quote: “the exit decision came after fulfilling all the bank’s financial obligations to international financial institutions.” That’s article VIII. That’s raising the value of their currency… this is huge. This is monstrous. This is article VIII carved in titanium. Free as a bird to do what they want to do. You think they want to stay at a program rate? No…

2-26-2021 Newshound Guru Breitling [Question: If they increase their rate after paying down their debt with this [December 20, 2020] devaluation do you see a dramatic increase quick or slow increase?] There’s no way to tell right now. The markets change. Everything changes so quick.

2-26-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff Since the start of the week Iraq has been finally putting an emphasis on their exchange rate. Article: “The Minister of Finance announces measures to support the effects of changing the exchange…and discusses the White Paper procedures” …they’re really now putting an emphasis on the exchange rate and moving it in the correct direction – raising the dinar against the dollar not the dollar against the dinar…everything is coming together right before us…we’re in a great position. We just have to sit back, stay patient with it and let it happen…

2-26-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat …they are once again moving ahead with the oil and gas and then the article 140 laws. These laws need to be legislated in parliament in the form of laws and then passed into laws. In 2011 the CBI told me that there was a mandate by the US and UK for Iraq to have a fully implemented constitution prior to reinstatement of their dinar thus getting out of the US Treasury OFAC sanctions completely… have they?

2-26-2021 Intel Guru MarkZ [via PDK] Iraq budget should be finished today…as I understand it…So they will be ready for their new value…We know they plan to have their new value before April first. So on the Iraqi side we are…close to the end…remember this is a “when” it’s not an “if”…do not give up.

2-26-2021 Newshound Guru Jeff One of the things we’ve guesstimated in this is that They would most likely change the rate specifically over a holiday…here’s the next holiday in Iraq – Sunday March 21, 2021.

2-26-2021 Newshound/Intel Guru Mnt Goat Article: “LEARN ABOUT THE CRITERIA FOR REPLACING DAMAGED BANKNOTES IN IRAQI BANKS” Why this article and why now? The CBI is finally taking in these large scale stashes of banknotes hidden under mattresses and buried in the backyard. They need now to set standards of how they will exchange these not so good notes. After all this was part of the point of devaluing the dinar in the first place. They needed to get the people to realize that the US dollar is worth more than the dinar and so turn in the dinar for US dollars. They needed to really shake them up. The longer they hold on to the 1450 rate the more dinar stashes will come forward…